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Meet Shermise Brockington

Today, we’d like to introduce you to Shermise Brockington. Shermise was introduced to us by the brilliant and talented Tray Sharpshire.

Hi Shermise, we’re so thrilled to have you sharing your story with us today. Maybe we can kick things off by having you introduce yourself to our readers? We’d love to have you go into your story and how you got to where you are today.
It’s been a long journey for me. I’ve started off as the small girl that just relocated to Washington D.C. Very unsure of my career and personal life path. I wanted to do something that I would enjoy or love for the next 20 years. I went through high waters, some days I felt like giving up, and other days I wanted to hide behind a rock due to the fact it wasn’t enough. The drive and ambition I have today made me realize no matter what, never underestimate yourself.

Let’s talk about your work and career – what else should we know?
I’m a dental assistant/ hygienist located in District of Columbia. I transferred to a private own office and right at that moment I knew exactly where I wanted to be. My reputation, phenomenal skills, the dedication and out pouring love for our patients makes me stand out from others. The more I grew within the company, the more I realize that caring for each patient that walks through our door. Money just can’t buy. I didn’t just pick a career just to only make a fortune, I chosen something that I would enjoy until I go into retirement, meeting new people, showing me the true meaning of professionalism and tons of interesting research and facts about healthcare. I honestly never thought in a lifetime I would make great memories with a great team, a wonderful ambitious doctor that literally motivates the entire office to take it up a notch. It’s very beautiful to have your workplace appreciate you just as well as patients.

So, as we mentioned to our audience earlier, you were introduced to us by Tray Sharpshire and Tray Visuals Media and we really admire them and what they’ve built. For folks who might not be as familiar, can you tell them a bit about your experience with Tray Visuals Media.
I met Tray through the internet and it was so last minute. I just moved to Atlanta, Georgia with my partner and it was a couple days before Valentine’s Day. I was on break at work and I was doing tons of last minute research looking for photographers. I search high and low until I discovered his work and what he could produce. Making any visions come true. I was looking for exactly that. Between being nervous about a couples photo shoot that went public and picking someone that could deliver exactly what we asked for or better. I literally called Tray and I was so nervous and In that split second I thought tray could hear me breathing while I was in the parking lot on lunch break. I explained to tray that you’re working with a high class celebrity and listed everything we needed for safety reasons. The day of our photo shoot, I was so overwhelmed, filled with love and over coming morning sickness, just looking at Tray I put all my trust in him and his team. The entire photo shoot was amazing and the work of art was delivered with great quality. This amazing young man is the man with multiple plans. We all was having fun and my partner started getting comfortable and magic begin to happen. Tray is someone I would work with again and there’s nothing I would want him to change. I want him to continue flourishing and continue the dedication. I recommend him as traveling and locally. He delivers quality and everything comes back in a timely manner. He is a true angel and so genuine.

Instagram: North_eastern

Facebook: Shermise Brockington

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