Today we’d like to introduce you to Suzy Griswold.
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
Battling cancer can lead to seeking alternative healing methods. My personal story of finding hope and restoration embraced a comprehensive, holistic approach to cancer treatment. After surgery and radiation failed and three of my lymph nodes lit up in subsequent scans, I chose the Gerson Therapy to support my healing and ultimately this journey led to the birth of the organization, HealingStrong, and the growth of a supportive community.
Conventional treatments have limitations, and in my own experience, 10 of 12 family members with cancer before me died. I was number 13, and I knew that my approach needed to change in order to beat the odds. The Gerson Therapy’s focus on juicing, detoxification, and supplementation, along with addressing emotional wounds that were unhealed was just a piece of the puzzle. Refreshing my spirit in God’s Word and prayer had a profound impact on my overall well-being and health and ultimately combined, I healed from the inside out. Rebuilding the body through plant-based nutrition and juicing, a daily detoxification routine, along with reading God’s Word and practicing gratitude, reframing my thoughts, and being intentional to see the beauty all around all played a major part in my healing.
After 18 months, I was cancer-free and it was my desire always to seek out like-minded individuals to join together and see where God might lead us. Ten years ago, it was difficult to find information on the internet and few people around me knew about methods like the Gerson Therapy or the Nicholas Gonzalez protocol, or Chris Beat Cancer that help folks find options and choices in healing. Friends and acquaintances joined in the mission to educate and provide support, and HealingStrong was birthed.
HealingStrong’s community groups worldwide provide support, education, prayer, and training. The organization promotes an anti-cancer lifestyle and emphasizes preventative measures, experiencing exponential growth. It is the largest network of holistic, faith-based support groups in the United States and reaches around the world. Both online and in-person groups meet almost any day of the week in libraries, juice bars, churches, community groups, and homes.
HealingStrong’s holistic, faith-based approach has transformed lives. This journey inspires others to consider addressing all areas of health to support a holistic or integrative method to heal. The choice is the individual’s, and there are so many things that can be done to support their healing. We stand with others and teach:
– With God’s help and guidance, all things are possible.
– You are not a powerless victim of disease.
– Healing is possible no matter the prognosis.
– Your diet and lifestyle choices can have a dramatic impact on survival.
– A support community is invaluable in the healing process.
– And your life after cancer can be even better than it was before.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?Anytime you make a drastic change in your lifestyle, there are always going to be hurdles to overcome. It took alot of discipline, and starting over in the beginning to get my rhythm. With God’s help, I am so much better on this side of the diagnosis. When I started HealingStrong, it was to help others to know they have choices and that those choices we make on a day-to-day basis ultimately impacts our overall well-being and healing. While the message is simple, the resistance to accept the truth that people can and are healing advanced stage disease like cancers using a more natural approach has many people stumped. I do see, though, the tides turning and people becoming more open to learning and asking more questions.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
Today, our focus remains on growing our HealingStrong groups. Our reach has been over 1,000,000 in ten years with volunteers leading the way. Groups meet in churches, community centers, libraries, peoples homes, and we have even had groups meeting in a room in a hardware store. What is most important to me is that people know there are others out there who have been successful, even when conventional wisdom said the chances of long-term survival was slim. The stories and testimonies of our Group Leaders and participants in our groups is something to behold. There is so much collective wisdom and encouragement when you step into a HealingStrong group meeting. As someone who has worked in both for-profit and not-for-profit entities, I’ve come to realize that being a part of a grassroots movement, like HealingStrong, has been the greatest blessing of all time in the workforce.
How do you define success?
For HealingStrong, success as the Founder is seeing others thrive as Group Leaders….leading their community with a passion to achieve optimal health. It’s seeing my team encourage and support one another in a way that shows servant leadership. It’s ending the year with more group leaders, new participants, and new folks downloading our Bible studies, the Participant Guide or other resources. It’s folk joining our membership program because they want to support our mission. It’s knowing that half a million people are participating in our Bible studies and writing in that they are being ministered to and their lives changed, or listening to our I Am HealingStrong or Around the Word in 80 Days podcasts. It’s our prayer team reporting answered prayers of folks who were given very little hope. It’s knowing that the one who has felt alone in their healing journey is no longer that way but is now serving others through our little organization.It’s knowing that others found their way to the truth because they encountered HealingStrong.
Contact Info:
- Website: healingstrong.org
- Instagram: instagram.com/
- Facebook: facebook.com/
Image Credits
Photos by Richie