Today we’d like to introduce you to Tara Simon.
Hi Tara, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
I started singing on stage when I was three years old. My first ever performance was at my church; and I still remember to this day being up there singing, how it felt, and how (even then) I knew music was going to be my life. I sang regularly for many high-profile events locally growing up, attended a prestigious performing arts high school (Dreyfoos School of the Arts), won best vocalist in state (FL), and moved to NYC the day I turned 18 to attend a performing arts college and audition for Broadway. Less than a year later, I found myself as the lead role in the European tour of the Broadway musical “Fame”. Everything really started snowballing for me after that. The following line is too weird without first mentioning that you opened your ATL studio. We have such an exciting and artistic atmosphere at the studio.
At any given time, if you walk in and open up a random door to any of the studio’s suites, you will find inside amazing piano, songwriting, acting and vocal sessions in progress. Open up another door and you may find us midway through filming another YouTube tutorial. There are always amazing clients in the reception area, jamming out to music or watching their favorite show on TV and when we are in between sessions, we love to go out and chat with them. There always seems to be a buzz of excitement and a sense of positive energy and joy flowing throughout the place. Not only am I a part of all of this amazingness, I facilitate and manage it on the front and back ends. So there is always an endless amount of work to be done and my checklist of “to-dos” never quite seems to go away…but I thank God daily for tomorrow and a new morning to start it all again.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
The greatest sacrifices I can easily say were the early years in starting my business up. I never set out to coach. My plan was to be a singer my whole life and that alone. I was in a bad relationship where it was up to me to “make it happen” financially, and so on top of touring, singing and songwriting, I decided to start coaching during the day. I started small in my house, then once I had so many people in and out (or you could say coming and going) my carpets were getting black, I rented a space from the church I was attending. Then I trained and hired my first coach to work under me. After a short time, I had more coaches working at the church with me than the church had working in their music ministry! At that point, I finally got a space of my own and we have been flourishing and thriving there ever since. But none of that was easy and it took a lot of courage, a lot of risks and a lot of grit to see it all through. But out of all that sacrifice came the greatest gifts…and it keeps on giving! I have had coaches and students come to me saying how the environment and culture at TSS is special. That they feel at peace and at home here. It makes my day every single time. TSS is more than a business, it is a family. My coaches stick around just to chat or jam or work on their craft like they’re in their own living room. Students post about how excited they are about coming to lessons and all the wonderful new things they’re learning. It’s a really special place. Hearing a singer who once sang quietly with no confidence belt out a power ballad with their arms raised never gets old and is such a special gift. It’s what we as coaches live and breathe for.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?
Tara Simon Studios (tarasimonstudios.com) is the highest rated performing arts studio offering voice lessons, piano lessons, guitar lessons, songwriting lessons, artist development, Industry Consulting and more. Our professional coaches are active in the industry; devoted to helping you reach your full artistic potential. At Tara Simon Studios, you’ll learn how to improve every aspect of your artistic ability from well-rounded, business savvy, working professionals. With our one-on-one training and private lessons at our studio or online, you’ll receive the direction you need to transform your unique talents into a rewarding career. We offer lessons for all ages and experience levels, from professional singers to beginners, and our coaching techniques are highly sought-after. Whether you’re looking to increase your vocal range, channel your inner classical pianist, or take tips from an experienced vocal coach, we have the education and tools to tailor your training to your specific goals. We take our training very seriously, and clients trust Tara Simon Studios to lead them in the right direction to make sure their performance is at optimal level. We love what we do, and we know you will, too! Our methodology is called “Sing Smarter Not Harder”.
It is based on Tara’s years of classical, speech level, and contemporary vocal training. Unlike most other vocal techniques that are difficult to comprehend and therefore difficult to execute, our methodology breaks down the “vocal pedagogical terminology” into principles that make common sense and take an intangible art form like singing and make it feel more tangible. The key to building a beautiful, unique, powerful and healthy voice is to practice the right (or proper) techniques every single day. Most people spend so much energy worrying that they’re doing it wrong or that their voice will fail them on an important note that they actually create the tension that causes their voice to fail! It’s a vicious and heart-breaking cycle! By teaching thousands of students for well over a decade (actually 2 decades) , I’ve come to learn that anyone can improve their voice when I teach them not only the physical basis of proper vocal production but also nurture and train the emotions that are so vital in the production of a consistently beautiful voice. You can’t succeed without both of those components, and they’re both right here in Sing Smarter Not Harder. When you sign up, you’re not just getting 43 laser-focused multi-media lessons. You’re also getting mindset strategies that will alleviate that fear and let your voice relax into its power! If you follow these lessons and exercises daily for just eight weeks, you’ll be amazed at the improvements you’ll hear and feel in your singing voice.
Do you have any memories from childhood that you can share with us?
I was about two when I accidentally found my vibrato. I was in my car seat while my mom was driving and I was singing a song to myself. We went over some fast bumps in the road which made my voice shake and sound like vibrato and my mom looked at me in her rearview mirror and said, “Good job Tara, that sounds pretty!” I remember thinking to myself, “if that sounds pretty, I should try to do that more.” So I did! I tried to make my voice shake like it shook in the car. Eventually, it became natural and so, my vibrato was born!
Contact Info:
- Email: info@tarasimonstudios.com
- Website: tarasimonstudios.com
- Instagram: @tarasimonstudios
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tarasimonstudios
- Twitter: tarasimonsings
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6ZUvKkpzxy10Vz89nEE6FQ
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Digital Artisans