Photo by: Jeno Uché
Today we’d like to introduce you to Timmésha Burgess.
Timmésha, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
First, thank you for allowing me this time, I’m appreciative of the invitation! I must say I was pleasantly surprised to be asked back after just being featured in Shoutout ATL December 2022 (your LA based flagship). I’m more than thrilled and honored to chat again. To answer your question, my story began when all hell broke loose in my life, lol! I went on the dark night of the soul journey— and my world became Murphy’s Law 101, forreal!
So one day, I was crying out to my Ancestors, Spirit-guides, God, Ancient Ones, The Universe, The All, Jesus, Allah, heck King Tut, and even Jaffe Joffer, The King of Zamunda if I thought they could help, lol! I called to anyone and anything seen and unseen that would listen and guide me; because I had hit my idea of rock-bottom for the last time. When I say rock-bottom I don’t just mean financially, but mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually too. I asked questions like “what the hell is going on, and what am I doing here?” Not just in my life, but what am I really doing on this piece of rock floating in the middle of nowhere we call, earth?
The conversation between myself and the unseen went like this (wanna hear it, here it go)…
Me: I don’t know who I am, what to do, what to say, I don’t know anything, and I don’t know why I was born. What am I even doing here?
Unseen: Oh you don’t know who you are and why you’re here?! GO INTO THE DARKNESS/WILDERNESS!
Me: Ok…*with tears in my eyes, desperate for answers, tipping into the unknown shadows, with my eyes wide, scared/nervous— all I could hear in my soul was a song by famed group Guns N’ Roses, Welcome to the Jungle.”
If you know anything about the lyrics to this song, you already have an idea of what it takes to survive the jungles of life. Including those in our own minds, our bodies, our families and ancestral bloodlines, and the jungles of breaking lifetimes of generational cycles and curses. Basically, my odyssey through my own questions of who, what, when, where, how, and why am I here opened up the floodgates of all things hidden within me and in the world. I just had no idea that what I’d uncover would be a purpose greater than I could have ever imagined for myself and those around me. Initially, I went into the dark shadows of jungles not knowing who I was or why I’m here; only to make it out shouting, “I KNOW EVERYTHING (relatively speaking)!”
The unseen, later replied to me saying, “Now go and tell it on the mountain tops!”
Me: You want me to talk, teach, and write about the kind of stuff that would have people call me crazy, mock me, slander my name, reject me?
Unseen: YES!
Me: You want me (while pointing at myself for dramatics, lol) to share things with the world that would have people want to crucify me?
Unseen: YES!
Me: But why me?
Unseen: Because you answered.
and this is how my story began…
I NEVER planned to write and publish a book titled, Activate- Unorthodox philosophies that explore anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts as symptoms of suppressed superpower; had it not been for my radical questions to the unseen and to myself.
I never planned to create Fireside chats for global women- Because turning pain into power is sexy. Telling the pain to power stories of women from Saudi Arabia to Louisiana.
I never would have started Alcheminity— a brand focused on sharing the philosophies I developed to help redefine power and individual power. My first campaign shares the message, “FEAR OF FEMININE POWER IS A MENTAL DISORDER.
I never would have been the only African-American woman in 2020 to speak at the United Consciousness Conclave that was broadcasted on six different continents, and was supported by THE DALAI LAMA himself—Where the title of my speech was, “The Divine Feminine Reborn”.
I never would have known that part of my life’s mission was to become a New-age Sexuality Educator; to help educate and enlighten women and girls internationally (who’ve survived sex-trafficking, molestation, rape, FGM/C-Female Genitalia Mutilation/Cutting, and child marriage); on how-to activate their stolen sexual and sensual power to heal and rebuild themselves. Where one of the first articles I wrote to address taboo stigmas around sexuality was titled, “WHAT ELSE CAN YOU DO WITH YOUR SENSUAL & SEXUAL ENERGY OTHER THAN POUR IT OUT ON TYRONE”— One that still today has people from all over the world raving about it! Say what?!
I definitely wouldn’t be here sharing all of this with the readers of Voyage ATL!
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
Heck no! I’m not sure a fairly smooth road even exists when you’re pushing the boundaries of comfort in a world that wants to keep certain things and people suppressed, demonized, and vilified. I’ve received hate messages from people who’ve called me crazy for my views! I posted a video on my YouTube channel Fireside Chats for Global Women titled, ” The Power of choice #abortions”, and oh my goodness did some people voice their personal opinions to me! Some said, “You are out of your mind”, and “You’re psychotic, a lunatic”. Don’t get me wrong, there were a couple of comments that praised the message…one comment from Youtuber “Hair by Nardina” said, ” Girl this is some deep-ish and it clearly went over some peoples heads, Thank you for posting… thought-provoking.”
But here’s the thing, these are no longer the days where we keep quiet or retreat; because the time has come, and I’m in the mood. So, I replied back to as many responses as I could. Why? Because school is in session… (insert a ding sound right here, lol)
Anyway, since 2018 I’ve publicly dedicated my insight and perspectives relating to women/girls empowerment, sexual health, mental health, and personal development philosophies— and have received love and hate for the same reasons. I understand the amount of pushback that comes with unpopular views and opinions; and because of this, I’ve had to be discerning about what to post, how to say it, and when. These present obstacles when there’s such a thing as “shadow-banning” certain messages like mine. The mere fact that I hashtag #mentalhealth #sensuality #sexuality #suicide, and #abortions, my content can get #shadowbanned or blacklisted. Ask any creator who may be pushing the envelopes on topics that raise awareness, don’t just take it from me. The abilities and inner insight I have to share is meant to be heard and felt by those ready to listen, not those turning a blind eye and ear. In addition, funding and gaining access to the women and girls looking for me are the biggest challenges. How can anyone know they’re looking for something if they don’t know it or I even exist, due to those we call gatekeepers.
I’ve merely answered the cries of those women and girls looking for the answers I have, and it has required me to have grace and tough skin.
Appreciate you sharing that. What should we know about Alcheminity?
I developed lifestyle brand Alcheminity by fusing together the science of alchemy, sensuality, sexuality, and the principles of divine femininity and divine masculinity— to redefine what personal development looks like for new-age thinkers, doers, and outdated belief shatterers’.
I really wanted to be a part of the change I wanted to see happen within our world, so I created a brand that could help pave the way. Through Alcheminity I speak, teach, write, and basically take all of the philosophies I’ve created and place them on merch items like clothes, duffle bags, tea cups, and other products. Alcheminity’s first campaign was; “FEAR OF FEMININE POWER IS A MENTAL DISORDER”. Customers are still writing me to say how people stop them in public asking where they got their hoodie or top so they can purchase one. The message speaks to so many different people from all walks of life that can relate and/or understand it. I’ve been approached by Black, White, Hispanic women and men, heterosexual folks, those of the LGBTQI, and even political advocates ask me about my crop top whenever I’d wear it out. I always like to inquire about the people that are drawn to it. I’m always curious about who they are, what they do, and what they understand about the message. For me it gives me a rough estimate of the kinds of people my philosophies attract, this is how I know.
Moreover, I developed a new ideology on the meaning of yoni power (a.k.a. P***y Power) based on my work as a Sacred-Sexuality Educator and mystic, and so the new campaign is well underway and will be released in my birthday month of May 2023. It’s titled; “POOSÉ POWER”. I’m ready and nervous about it all at the same time, because I know it will be a STRONG STATEMENT! So, be sure to follow me online for more details and to stay up to date on what’s next, what I’m doing, and where I’ll be. Please feel free to visit my website www.timmeshaburgess.
Have you learned any interesting or important lessons due to the Covid-19 Crisis?
1. There’s nothing new under the sun or moon
2. Get it while the getting is good
3. Buy/invest in land to farm/grow your own food
4. Implement strategies of barter and trade
5. Get right with nature
6. Create new-norms
7. Learn to heal thyself
8. Dance naked, alone, and in your living room with the candles lit as often as you can to create more happy-feelings
Contact Info:
- Website: www.timmeshaburgess.com
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/timmeshaburgess
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/tim
meshabspeaks - Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/
timmeshaburgess - Twitter: timmeshabspeaks
- Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/
firesidechatsforglobalwomen - Other: linktr.ee/
Image Credits
Stephanie Hillenberg Rick Ross