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Meet Tracy Neely of Mindset Alchemy® in North Fulton County

Today we’d like to introduce you to Tracy Neely.

Tracy, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
My story started when I decided to move from Chattanooga, Tennessee to New York City after college. It was always my dream to move to NYC and pursue a career in marketing and special events. I can remember that day (April 30, 1988) like it was yesterday. After living there for a few years, I decided to go to Chattanooga for a month to spend some time with my mom.
I decided to get a dental checkup. I thought this would be a simple cleaning as well as an x-ray. Something odd showed up on my x-ray. There was a dark spot that the dentist thought was a bit strange so he took another x-ray. He decided to send me to an oral surgeon so he could explore it further. The oral surgeon said it looked like a tumor on my lower jaw. Since I was going to go back to NYC in about a week, he gave me a referral to see a top oral surgeon there.
I remember it was a Tuesday and the oral surgeon looked at the x-rays but also wanted to see what would show up on a third x-ray. I wasn’t happy to have so many x-rays, but I agreed to it. Long story short, I was diagnosed with an ameloblastoma benign tumor in my jaw. I was told I had to go into the hospital that night. After my surgery, my healing was a long road and there were many times when I asked why me.
Over the years. I had a few reconstructive surgeries so that I could have an easier time eating and talking. Those experiences left me feeling very insecure about the way I looked. Although I healed my physical body, my emotional body was at an all-time low.
“Every physical sensation, challenge or dis-ease we feel in our physical body, starts in the emotional body.” 
Spending time healing my mindset, was a journey into beliefs I had been carrying inside of me for a long time. It took me a while to uncover the things that had been holding me back from living a bigger life.
The beauty of this journey was the passion that was sparked inside of me to go back to school to educate myself and get certifications in health and nutrition. I was like a sponge soaking up all the knowledge on how to heal from the inside out.
Over the years, I received several certifications in health, nutrition, energy healing, transformational coaching, and life coaching. After seven years of working in nutrition, helping women heal their physical body, I knew that I wanted to help them heal their emotional pain and challenges that hold them back from living an amazing life.
Our emotional embody includes thoughts, feelings, and emotions that create certain beliefs that we may unconsciously hold onto. So looking back at that diagnosis, brought me to where I am now. Helping others heal is what I’ve been destined to do.
We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc. – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
My journey has not been smooth for sure! When I started coaching eleven years ago, I was excited to help women heal from the inside out and I thought that once I had my website, business cards and networked, my phone would ring off the hook. That didn’t happen and I started to doubt myself and my ability to support people to improve their lives.
At the time, my husband traveled a lot for business and I had a toddler so as you can imagine, I was just doing my best from day to day to focus on my family, my business and me. Many times, I fell short and learned a lot those first few years on how to do all the things to make my business successful, while not neglecting my family and myself. To say those first few years were lean is putting it mildly. It took a lot of me cheering myself on and having a strong belief that no matter what, I would live my purpose and experience success doing what I love.
So let’s switch gears a bit and go into the Mindset Alchemy® story. Tell us more about it.
My company Mindset Alchemy® is a transformation company helping people all over the world heal, transform and live their best life as they experience living their soul purpose with joy, love, and happiness. My work with clients includes energy healing, mindset coaching, ancestral healing, life coaching, chakra alignment, crystal healing, among other modalities of healing and coaching.
As an Intuitive Healer, Reiki Master, Life Coach, and Mindset Mentor, I work with people who are ready to live a much bigger life experiencing abundance, deeper connections, a healthier life, happier relationships, success doing what they love and a richer connection to feeling worthy to receive abundance in all ways.
I specialize in energy healing, transformational coaching, and psychic guidance. I’m known for being able to see emotional traumas and resistant energy that has been hidden under the surface that is attributing to stress, emotional pain, guilt, shame, and trauma.
As a company, we are most proud of creating a place of inclusion where people can depend on us being kind, compassionate and thoughtful with how they are treated. Our #1 goal is to have a heart and a love of being of service.
What sets me apart is my ability as a psychic, seer and intuitive healer to uncover emotions, habits, beliefs, and patterns that you are not consciously aware are creating major challenges in your life. Once you are aware of challenges in your life, you can begin to heal and transform your life.
Has luck played a meaningful role in your life and business?
I don’t believe luck creates good things and not so great things in my life and business.
When I was younger, I thought when something bad happened, it was because I wasn’t good enough for good things to happen for me. And when something great happened, it was because I did something to deserve the good I experienced in my life.
After years of working with my own coaches, healers, and mentors, today I navigate life in a very different way. I believe everything I’ve experienced hasn’t happened to me but has happened for me. There are so many life lessons I’ve learned in my personal life and in my business through things I’ve experienced.

Contact Info:

Image Credit:
Milissa Claire Rosberg

Getting in touch: VoyageATL is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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