Today we’d like to introduce you to Latasha Moore.
Latasha, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
As everyone says, I started drawing when I was about 3 or 4. My mom use to get very mad at me because I would draw in my children’s books and not color in coloring books. When I was in 5th grade in elementary school there was another girl, her name was Michelle, that knew how to draw very well. So, we got into a friendly competition where we would draw Lion King characters for our classmates and whoever drew the most, won. Unfortunately, she passed away suddenly one night and I think that was the moment where I decided to do art more passionately, because even at 9 years old, I can see that life is short. Then, in high school, I got into manga and anime, so I began to draw in that style. I constantly worked very hard and then I finally quit band my junior year, then went into art. I started doing commissions online, going to anime conventions and setting up an art table, and just drawing all the time. During that time, I was thinking about going to art school, but once I saw the amount of financial aid and what they thought my mom could pay, I decided to just go to community college after high school. I learned new techniques and the fundamentals when I went to community college. I was working and going to school. It was hectic at times, finally, I decided to go to Savannah College of Art and Design because one of my other friends started attending there. So, I applied, was accepted, saved money, packed my stuff, told my mom I’m going to Savannah and arrived in 2008. I became a Resident Assistant to assist with food and housing while going to school. I graduated with almost at 4.0, but I was really introduced into the Illustration world when I went to SCAD. When I graduated, I returned to Texas and didn’t know what or where I was going. I took a freelance gig doing illustrations for a Children’s Book called “Psalms for Children” by Don Gordon. I moved to Florida to work as a Graphic Artist at a production company, then moved to Savannah again to intern at a children’s social media website, then I had to move back in with my mom and my step-dad because I was broke. My car was broke, my mind was broke, and my spirit. It was hard, I ended up having a mental breakdown and was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder. It was hard to hear, but I ended up deciding I need to do what I want to do in life. So, I applied to Floyd County Productions to work on their new show, that was later canceled, and ended up working on FX’s Archer. I packed everything in my car, got rid of most of my stuff that wouldn’t fit, and drove down. I have been working on Archer since October 2015 and am now working on Season 8. I currently do tutoring in the fields of Art, English, and Reading.
Has it been a smooth road?
NOPE. If it was, it wouldn’t mean as much, right? My mom never really approved of me drawing during schooling and the teachers thought I was ignoring them. When I got to community college, it was hard juggling working and going to school with projects without a vehicle in a city that didn’t have good public transportation. Then when I came to SCAD, I had to deal with a new world of different views, people claiming that my work looks like another person, and just general different atmosphere while working a basically “24 hr” job being a Resident Assistant. One Quarter (for SCAD does the quarter system and not semester), I literally slept maybe 2 to 3 hours a day and 6 hours on Saturday for 5 to 6 weeks. Then after I graduated, I was working 2 to 3 part-time jobs at a time, freelancing, applying to art jobs, working on my website, and trying to figure out where I am going to live cause my mom decided to move to Maine the same year I graduated. I moved in with my best friend’s mother and then got a position at a production company as a Graphic Artist. I packed up and moved, then when I got a position as an intern in Savannah, I packed up again, and moved. It was after I got to Savannah that things got really tough. I was working at the internship, working part time at 2 jobs, and living off someone’s couch. Then my car broke down. So, after the internship ended and I didn’t get the job I was gunning for in Atlanta, I moved to Maine. This is where I had one of my true breaking moments. I didn’t want to draw, I wanted to commit suicide, and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder along with PTSD. Then, once I finished therapy and got a new job, I applied to Floyd County Productions, received the job and move at the end of August 2015. I have been in Atlanta since then and currently trying to cope with another blow of being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes while trying to get my freelancing back on track.
Do you feel luck has played a role in your life?
I believe “bad luck” has closed doors that needed to be closed and good luck has helped to keep me motivated to keep going. I believe you need both in your life to learn from. I also believe you go through “seasons” in regards to your life and I try to see when an opportunity ends, it is the end of that opportunity’s season in my life.
Is there a characteristic or quality that you feel is essential to success?
Persistence. The persistence to pick oneself up after a bad day or art piece went wrong or gig not going through. Without it, I think I wouldn’t be here. Persistence plays into the days where I was not working a job in the art field and going home to draw or sketch to become better. Also, the persistence to be a better artist.
Tell us about your favorite and least favorites things about our city.
The best thing I like about Atlanta is the diversity that is nestled throughout the city. I feel inspired when I see different types of styles that people portray. I also enjoy that there are numerous trees where I reside currently in Vinings. I love nature and need to have it around. The thing I like least is traffic. ALWAYS TRAFFIC…well except after 8pm and before 5am.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://latashamoore.carbonmade.com/
- Email: latashammoore13@gmail.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/la_monmo/?hl=en
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Latasha-M-Moore-Illustration-289166437278/
- Other: https://twitter.com/tashiya13?lang=en