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Meet Zoe Shaw of Outreach Within Our Reach

Today we’d like to introduce you to Zoe Shaw.

Thanks for sharing your story with us Zoe. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.
Oh, goodness! The beginning? How far back should I go? I’ll do my best to condense everything for the sake of time. I wish it was on the “strait and narrow”, but like many others, I have been through a roller coaster ride of experiences that have led me to my passions today. Currently, I am a Clinical Mental Health Counselor, working primarily with children and their families. Through the use of play therapy, I help them to address concerns related to trauma and other emotional and behavioral issues.

Backing up to my own childhood– growing up I have always wanted to work with children in some capacity. I come from a family full of educators, so I guess you could say the desire to impact children is embedded in my DNA. I honed in on the mental health piece, initially taking an eye opening AP psychology course in high school, which set the trajectory for my undergrad career in psychology, with a foundation in pre-med. Child psychiatry was my goal. After burnout from organic chemistry courses, acting as a teaching assistant, research assistant and leadership roles in specialized clubs– I needed a break! I took a year off from schooling to “figure out” my next steps and found myself in the dual roles as an intern with a Marriage & Family Therapy Clinic and a substitute teacher in the public school system in my hometown of Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Both of these experiences revealed to me the impact that various upbringings and cultural backgrounds have on the development and well-being of children and their families. I witnessed a lot of pain and dysfunction, but on the other side of that I saw how the power of the right relationships can heal and restore what was once thought to be broken. That was it! My aha moment! That year I applied to masters programs all across the country to retrieve my counseling degree, which is how I landed in Georgia, at Georgia State University. Long story short, I was able to gain wisdom and insight from the exposure to many different types of people and their stories. What was sparked inside of me was a desire to learn more about people, and not just the people in my own backyard. I wanted to go beyond the borders. And so that’s what I did! We can come back to that part a little later, though.

Has it been a smooth road?
I wouldn’t say that road has been smooth, but it hasn’t been extremely difficult for me, either. I have been blessed in that way. The biggest challenge that I have faced on my journey is uncovering personal identity. Making sure that the goals laid out before me are laced with purpose and passion. I believe that the biggest obstacle that I’ve had to overcome was myself. And that is still a work in progress. I’ve had a bad habit of getting in my own way at times because I lacked awareness and skill, of who I was/am and what I was/am capable of. As a mental health counselor, you are forced to face some of the ugly truths about yourself and the problematic ways that you think about and see yourself, others, and the world. But I believe that that is where the healing comes from. Once that transformation begins to take place, everything else has a way of aligning itself.

We’d love to hear more about your business.
I am a mental health counselor with a heart for people and a heart for the world. I believe that in order to meet people where they are, you have to have an understanding of where they come from. My favorite way to do this is through international travel and exploration. I founded the outreach initiative, Outreach Within Our Reach, as a way to embrace others’ cultures and connect learning to life at every level.

With this initiative my friend and cohort, Jasmaine Ataga, and I specialize in affordable clinical outreach opportunities, designed to enhance cultural sensitivity, and increase awareness of mental health beliefs held by people across diverse populations. A journey is taken each year to a new destination, to connect and exchange wisdom regarding varying themes linked to mental wellness. Partnering with local agencies and organizations, we engage in acts of service, collaborate in clinical development opportunities, and learn how mental wellness is encouraged in their country. The best part is—even though it is designed for mental health professionals, you don’t have to be one to join one of our adventures. Everyone can benefit from introducing themselves to the beauty and value of another’s way of life; pride is held on being able to meet the needs of every type of traveler.

Oh, and of course we have lots of fun!

Is our city a good place to do what you do?
Atlanta is the perfect place for emerging professionals to plant a business. It’s a hub for resources, networking and innovation. Creatives have the opportunity to thrive here in a safe space to fail and learn from mistakes and then grow to their full potential. For my business, especially, since it requires travel, Atlanta is the ideal location to navigate planning seamless trips with Delta being stationed here.


  • Single Occupancy: $3225, Double Occupancy: $3450

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