Today we’d like to introduce you to Don Tang.
Hi Don, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
I was born and raised in China, and most of Chinese parents can not accept art as a legitimate study or work at all. My mom used to be like that too.
I love art ever since I was a child. I like drawing everything on paper, on walls, and my mom was not quite happy about that because it so hard to clear them up. I quickly developed my interest in manga during my middle school and that is where I start to draw a lot human forms. My teacher who teach art in out middle school likes my drawings a lot, so he made me did a lot big showcase black board art at that time. And my mom only accepted the art at my high school time which I told her if I can’t study art high school then I won’t go to school at all.
I’m a rebel and I live my life. My mom finally understood that I love doing art so much when I got accepted by a really good university’s offer in China. At that time, my mom is ok with everything I did, even now supporting me studying in USA.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
I have to say, the road of art is not that easy. People sometimes said: “Oh, even I can do that.” I’ll just smile and not to argue about anything. I think is useless to talk about anything with anyone that disrespectful towards others. First thing is being respectful to others and their work.
I used to be told a lot that I can’t make a living on doing art or I’m just avoiding study math using art. To be honest, I choose art over a regular study that all. And I love it, and I’m making a living on my art now though. It feels so good to prove them wrong.
However, I say the biggest enemy is actually myself because I’m so eager to learn about anything new. When I see something fantastic, I’ll try to find a way to incorporate into my art. So me, myself is always developing.
Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
I’m a commercial illustrator as well as an artist. I do commission work from all different companies or studios, and I can draw a different style for their different requirements. For example, I do children’s book with more playful and colorful style, and I do game design with a simi-realistic style.
But to my artist side, my work is very distinguishing from my commercial works. I do a lot of patterns or say surfaces design. There are many metaphors in my drawing. So the theme may sometimes be very dark because I use death as my subjects a lot. Everyone will die someday, so I like to get to know death more and make peace with them I guess.
Do you have any memories from childhood that you can share with us?
Well, I have to say it’s my lunch break at elementary school. Back then, our school requires students sleep at lunch break. But I don’t like a little nap in the middle of the day, so I went to my art teacher at every lunch break and he would teach me how to draw and how to handmade something like Chinese stone stamp. It’s such a relaxing and playful time. There is nothing to worry about but just do what I love about.
Contact Info:
- Email: donyixuan11@gmail.com
- Website: https://www.dontang.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/don_tang_11/