Today we’d like to introduce you to Donna Peera.
Hi Donna, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I was born a Filipino Portuguese and German Osage Nation Blackfoot Cherokee in Washington state. I didn’t know my roots of Native American until 8 years ago when my father finally shared it with me. My mother and father had healing gifts from family passed down. Both unique and very secretive. After being in their own childhood traumas and wars, they were taught to be very secretive and superstitious. They didn’t have the guidance that we can get now if we choose the path of healer. A healer doesn’t really heal you but helps you see the healing potential in yourself, and you heal from that. Healing wasn’t something that was used, nor was Shaman in our household. My Mother was a humble Catholic raised by nuns most of her life and rejoined her birth mother in her late teens. My father was an avid outdoors fisher and hunter and could live in the woods on his own and a valued special missions officer in Viet Nam. I am a military brat from the Airfare. I encountered my male relatives were very patriarchal and macho. The women in our family were survivors of wars, and small women were violated during the war or suffered with families torn apart. I learned that the women were the powerhouses in the family, but it was rarely appreciated or openly spoken. We were not respected as women and were supposed to cook, clean, do what the men wanted, and take care of house and home. This was an imbalanced system where men could not be vulnerable or allowed to be human. It taught me a lot of what I didn’t want in my own choices of encounters with the males in society. I learned that systems were someone tells you it is only for you or only a small portion to benefit was all harmony and peace as they claimed it led to. It just further divided. So, I studied Reiki Healing, Animal Speak, Shamanism of the Modern times, Ancient Maori Tribal Crystal Healing and met many outstanding healers. Some were letting ego get to them or gender division believed by ancestral programming or society, religious and scholastic or sports like organizations what a real man was and what was a woman’s role was. It was not a healthy system. I strive to let people see their flaws and their strengths and encourage them to love themselves whole as imperfect beings. I keep showing them ways of seeing this by my storytelling podcast that I channel stories to appeal to the inner child heart and know that their potential in positive movement is always there at their own use and grasp. I then married and learned that relationships always need to be adjusted with age and with our children as they grow. I learned our kids just were using me as a vehicle with both parents ideally participating without a guidebook in the best they could. I came from a family of neglect and abuse in different ways, and that was not going to happen to my kids. Although I am imperfect and still a work in progress, I let people know that. You can’t be proud to not reflect on improvement of self and keep your heart expanding in the light. I am a person who sees Oneness is the way with harmony and peace and that abundance is not the division of classes and money but more all are provided with the basic needs and potential to thrive and then some. That as a temple of flesh walking this earth that we are all sacred, and the intention and choice to thrive in the light in what we say, think, and do is essential to line up. We will be thriving if we see the systems need dismantling and not think that war is the way to peace. This is a fallacy. We then war within ourselves and soul when we are soldiers and then we war with our neighbors. The systems of division no longer serve us, and at Healium Center Atlanta, we uplift, educate, and tap into diverse spirituality with the community to evolve. Let’s evolve together having the faith we shall have peace within and peace outside without constant limitations and be the Love and Light we all are. This is what I profess is a good possibility we can make the standard for all. Thank you for having me share this.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way? Looking back, would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
I was an Air Force brat abused by my parents because my father was abused, and then his mother was abused. The pivotal point at 13 is confront my father about it and not letting him deter what was the truth and to cease and see he needed help. My Mother was abandoned in an orphanage by her mom attacked by Jap Am soldiers during Jam Am invasion of the Philippines. She was the “Harriet Tubman” of her time, leading her village folks to safety, and she had to heal and let the nuns care for my mother for 10 years. My Mother tried to be a good mother without the teaching of Homelife and motherhood. I became the mom at times of turmoil, and my brothers as well. We had hardly things to eat or wear for the proper weather until some teachers at my high school told me to enroll in office education program, and I had money to help us eat. We never could get nutritious foods because my parents didn’t know how to manage money. All my siblings and self-worked and gave money to have a better life together, but it never improved as both were unhealed and lacked the skills of money management. I was happy to move out and be free. Then I met my husband and wanted to wait, but fate was we fell in love, and he was a businessman from an entrepreneurial family, and we both worked side by side on what he created. I was his mother’s caregiver until I saw dementia and the youngest and had to relinquish her to the elder siblings reluctantly. they made up stories she wasn’t demented, and I abused her, but, in the end, they saw but never apologized or admitted it. I married into a family of different faith and financial beliefs, and culture. They, too, had been scarred by losing things when a dictator came into power in East Africa and took everything they owned as they fled for their lives. So, it was an unhealed family on both sides. I then turned to take Reiki and Reflexology for hands, feet, and ears with my husband’s support, and whenever my kids were afflicted, I was drawn to a healing modality. I was still caregiving for my mother-in-law, who loved me and even, despite late dementia, never forgot my name fondly til her death. I then took Shamanism, and then 3 shamans helped me heal from childhood trauma after my sister died on a plane in front of me at 3 years old. I then continued my studies in Reiki II and Shamanism, and then I joined a psychic school in psychic fairs, where I learned sound healing from bowls, bells, gongs, and tuning forks. I then learned Ancient Tribal Crystal healing. My website has other natural gifts that opened up when I started to heal myself and kept it up. I believe we keep going. I am a speaker and channel diverse meditations and healing stories, create special events with my husband and family for the community. I am also a blogger and writer of spirit writing under Blue Thunder Healing. I also create specialized weddings, union, and funeral ceremonies for those inclined to ask me. I’m forever grateful and hope to keep doing good work in whatever capacity with flow and ease.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
I specialize in channeled storytelling of diverse spiritual, religious, and healing concepts to tap into your inner sacred or divine. I also utilize psychometry in my healings and past life regressions as a creative ceremony facilitator and assist in creating creative events with my husband at Healium Center Foundation Inc. in Atlanta. It is an event, gallery workshop, or healing space diving into the different modalities of the inner creative and uplifting with the arts through education, spirituality, and creativity. We are catering more to private groups for the veterans and understanding indigenous ways to heal oneself. In education forums. I am a speaker for peace or storytelling sound healer for events with a theme. All my work is intuitive, and I am not too proud to know when God tells me it’s not you to help but direct them to another…it is all good. It’s part of the plan. There is no easy button to healing….it takes time, so take your time to explore what works for you, and then don’t down yourself if you find it’s not for you, but you have more of other potentials to choose from. Clear intention is used every day, and it’s a choice light or dark, sadness or joy, peace or chaos. What feels good to you? I also do distant healings, especially with the past life regressions, and have done clearings if God approves long distances of buildings or land or people or things. It is an honor to serve in the Light with Joy. That’s what I think is what sets me apart. I am a flawed but potential of light for others to see as a pathway to their own healing.
Networking and finding a mentor can have such a positive impact on one’s life and career. Any advice?
I find if you pray and get out their search, but no only online or social media…you attend an event of a potential mentor and see their philosophies on their priorities or specialty. If they write books and teach courses to see their ratings and read their reviews and also if they are at an event, to see what they emphasize. I don’t care for egotistical healers; I love one who is passionate about their work but is open to weaving different light work possibilities in others’ healing if they ask questions or introduce them to a different way of thinking. I would see if it feels good to you and you are grounded and certain, then try them out. You won’t know if you just sit inside wondering and by appearances on a website. Look at the videos if they teach. See what feels right for you. If you are under medication…don’t wean yourself, but get one who also understands the process of weaning off and utilizing plant medicines or the knowledge of pharmaceuticals. It is a combination of healing helpers that sometimes need our help to be whole and be proud to keep searching for your wholeness in you.
- $95 to 500 within Atlanta
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.bluethunderhealing.com
- Instagram: @blue_thunder_heal
- Facebook: Donna Peera/Facebook
- Linkedin: Donna (Blue Thunder or Blue Thunder White Lightening) Peera/linkedin.com
Image Credits
Donna Peera