Today we’d like to introduce you to Shannon Alexander
Hi Shannon, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
While I challenged some expectations in my life early on, for the most part I conformed with what others wanted for me. By my mid 30’s I was firmly entrenched in life as a lawyer, first at a large firm doing insurance defense, and then on my own as a family law litigator. Then my mother was diagnosed with early onset dementia. I spent the next six years regularly visiting her and my step-father every 4-6 weeks to give him a break and to help them navigate her illness. She had a lot of dreams that she meant to get to someday, which in her mind hinged on her husband’s retirement. Early in her illness she was all too aware of what was coming, and what she was losing. She had been a caregiver for my grandmother who had died with Alzheimer’s just a few years earlier. It was gut wrenching to see her despair for all the unrealized hopes she had never acted upon. I was 42 when she died. Given my family history and the possibility that my own brain might short circuit I started really listening to my own heart. My mother was significantly impaired by the time she was 55, so I set that as my deadline. My goal was to do everything I thought I wanted to do in this life by 55, and if I don’t lose my mind by then, everything beyond that will be a delicious bonus. I just turned 52, and while I keep opening new doors and new dreams, I feel very lucky to know that if I died tomorrow, I’m really delighted to have lived an interesting and adventurous life. Since my mom died I have retired from practicing law (I was suffering from intense burnout, I now run our family printing business with my husband, Dave Hinkleman), I’ve healed my previously troubled relationship with my own body by spending time at nude resorts, I’ve returned to my passion of Scuba Diving (abandoned since my early 20’s) and gone on to earn my Master Diver rating, I’ve re-invested in travel and have explored a lot more of the world, I’ve become a burlesque performer (stage name Bonnie Bodacious) and am part of The Candybox Revue Burlesque Troupe, and last year, I wrote a book! Bonnie Bodacious: From the Courtroom to the Cabaret, an Ecdysiast’s Journey is available online and may be ordered through any bookseller. Next up, I’m launching a travel agency with one of my besties, Neena Gulley! Roam 2 Renew, LLC should be ready to start crafting transformational travel experiences for clients by the end of the year!
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
I have had more support in my life than many, I am immensely grateful to my family of origin and my chosen family (especially my husband, Dave) for always loving and accepting me even when (especially when) they haven’t understood or agreed with me or my actions. However, interesting journeys are rarely smooth. My relationship with my mother, while loving, was also very volatile for most of my life and the pain and confusion of navigating her illness and death were all consuming at times. I have had some health challenges myself that have caused me to hit pause from time to time, or to alter the way I’ve approached things. I spend a lot more time and energy trying to get out of my own way than I’d like, I still find brain goblins rather troublesome, especially when it comes to marketing myself and my brand.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I’m, at my core, an awkward theatre kid. I love community theatre although burlesque has consumed my performing energy for the last few years. I can be found on stage at Metropolitan Studios with The Candybox Revue. Next up I will be performing a Halloween version of one of my signature acts at Tales from the Tit, CBR’s annual Halloween show/party which will be on October 26 (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tales-from-the-tt-burlesque-show-experience-2024-tickets-716396951567?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl). In November CBR will be celebrating it’s 10th anniversary with The Best of the Candybox Revue (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-best-of-the-candybox-revue-10-year-anniversary-burlesque-show-tickets-716220523867?aff=ebdsshcopyurl&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=organizer-profile&utm-share-source=organizer-profile) and I will be reprising another signature act, this time a combination of spoken word and burlesque, both nights on November 15 and 16. Finally, my book is available at Amazon https://a.co/d/d3pSXkn or can be ordered through any independent bookseller!
How do you define success?
I used to define success by comparison with others. I’m so grateful to have been able to shift out of that mindset. Now I define success by connection with others. All I want to do is find my flow with other people. To connect with them visually, physically, in laughter, conversation, dance and song. When I feel that connection I feel successful. And grateful, which is another good measure of success at being human!
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.bonniebodacious.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bonniebodacious
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shannon.v.alexander
- Other: Bonnie’s FB https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100015887431562
Image Credits
La Photagraphie
Rhonda Nolin Sebastian
Charles Bailey