Today we’d like to introduce you to Susana House.
Hi Susana, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
Hi! My name is Susana House I am a Holistic Healer, mystic and friend. I am very blessed to be able to not call work “work”. I love what I do because it allows me to connect with my community in so many ways. Like anyone else with a thirst for adventure, on the weekends have a modeling and photography hobby. I tend to be very active on my social media which has allowed me to meet new people, network for fun.
I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
My life has consisted of obstacles made to test me, since I can remember. I learned that the adversity in my life was merely an opportunity to be better. In my journey, I have learned the process is what needs to be enjoyed and appreciated because the end destination doesn’t last. Before long, another journey begins; it’s the beautiful cycle of life. And because I was aware of this, l now wanted to take advantage of doing better and thinking bigger. With this new direction in my life, an extreme change of my way of thinking and my character, my routine changed again.
I found myself spending more time alone and less time with friends and family. Over the span of a few months, I lost everything and was forced to start my life from scratch. All this because I decided to stop living my life in a conventional way. And if you ask me, I would do it all over again. These challenges and obstacles in my life have taught me to be the best version of myself, it has taught me to not be afraid of the unknown because regardless, change is inevitable. And it has built me strong enough to surpass anything that comes my way that tries to break me.
Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
Well, besides from my Beauty Model, writer and photography hobbies I have been focusing on expanding my universal healing methods. Reiki has worked wonders for my clients but I feel there is always room for improvement. On a regular session I work to clear out any energetic blockages within your physical body & aura that may be preventing you from sleeping well or simply feeling comfortable in your body. This can also assist with cutting back on poor habits. I help in guiding my clients towards creating a balance of their chakras, which are energetic points in your body that can promote vitality and good health. Looking back at my life, I am most proud of my learning to adapt to any situation or circumstance. That gave me the strength, clarity & opportunity to combine my love for spirituality and modeling into one because l’ve learned to promote myself/my brand and look confident in the process.
Can you talk to us a bit about happiness and what makes you happy?
Happiness, I have come to find out, is always there whether you see it or not. It’s a choice to feel happy regardless of whatever situation you’re in. Life is going to hit you with a lot of change and you need to be able to stay afloat all the stress it might cause you. Because happiness comes from having peace within, and my happiness comes from having peace within myself. I know that no matter what challenge comes my way I will create clarity in order to see the bigger picture. Because of this I know I’m only going to get stronger and knowing that makes me happy.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://linktr.ee/Housesue
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/itssuetoyou
- Youtube: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCCYGHvJSc6TDHogmRhvzZXg
Image Credits
Lawrence Klein