Atlanta has always had an artistic soul. The culture and heritage of our city, like most great cities, owes a tremendous debt to the arts community. Supporting local art is something we care deeply about and we’d like to do everything we can to help the local arts community thrive. Unfortunately, too often media attention is monopolized by corporate interests and tabloid gossip – but culture doesn’t come from a focus on celebrity breakups it comes from a focus on the arts.
Below, you’ll find some incredible artists from in and around East Atlanta that we hope you will check out, follow and support.
Litty Creetionz

My art is inspired by my name “Litty Creetionz”. Cree means believe in Spanish, which is within the word Creations… so you must believe in the creations. And through believing, my art will be litty. I primarily create custom grad cap designs but also paint in my free time. Read more>>
Johnnie Dynamite

The desire to do what I always wanted to do never left. Sometimes in life, you have to jump in order to find out if you can fly, and that’s exactly what I did. I took a leap towards my passion with a determination to be the best that I could be, thus you now have Dj Johnnie Dynamite. Read more>>
Josh Milstead

I have been drawing as long as I can remember. When I was a kid, I would sit down and draw out ideas for video games and comic books. As I got older, I started to blend my love for art with my love for technology. I went to school to learn how to make video games and eventually became a software engineer but I never lost my love for drawing. Read more>>
Zion Traynum-Harry

Creating music in the dorm room, the first semester is where I really realized that aside from writing, speaking your plight to a beat is indeed therapeutic. Taking what I learned from my friends from college, I linked back with my brothers and we created the group YFA (Your Favorite Artist) and honestly, the rest is history, at least it will be. Read more>>
Tesi J.

I am simply a facilitator. I create the opportunity for individuals to expand themselves for their souls ascension process. I am partnering and working with different workshop presenters and elders of respective traditions so that people will have the opportunity to learn the correct information instead of relying on Facebook, Google and YouTube. Read more>>

I started writing music and poetry when I was a young child, maybe 5 or 6. I was very shy, so I would often perform in front of my family members during the holidays to help kill my stage-freight. My family relocated us to Atlanta, GA when I was six years old. I played sports up until about middle school, and in high school, I was named Best Dressed, the Homecoming King, Prom Prince, and the Yearbook Editor. Read more>>
Jasmine Pollard

Singing and music in general for me has always been a part of my life. My family has never really had it easy per se, and a lot of times I would question why things happened to me. Through music, I began to realize that we all go through the same things just in different bodies. Music is what connects us all and reminds us that we aren’t alone. Read more>>
Nando Smoove

I make hip hop music. Old School, boom bap music, that’s r&b and jazz-based; maybe a little bit of blues, but a lot of hip hop. Because of this style of music, it’s influenced how I dress, what I watch, my speech and how I relate to an audience. I embody everything that I rap about because I’m sharing experiences that I’ve had and that I’m having. Read more>>