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Hidden Gems: Meet Joshua Perdue of Perdue Janitorial Services

Today we’d like to introduce you to Joshua Perdue.

Hi Joshua, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
My story dates back to when I was an undergraduate student at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, majoring in Social Work. Although I have always felt a calling to the Social Work field, I have always felt I wanted to do more than be an amazing Social Worker. While in graduate school at the University of Alabama, I decided that I wanted to one day become an entrepreneur. Although I had seldom seen entrepreneurship around me, it was a path I was determined to take. In 2019 while working my 9-5, I decided that I was ready to start my janitorial business after much though and prayer. In January 2020, Perdue Janitorial Services was born. Although I had no idea a worldwide pandemic was coming, I could not have chosen a better time to start my business.

When I first began, I started with a dream, idea, and a maxed-out credit card. Although I was unsure of what was ahead, I was determined to make my dream become my reality. Within one day of being established, I landed my first cleaning contract. Within weeks, multiple other contracts were soon to follow. Although my business started with just me, today we have 15 employees. Two of which are full-time employees. We have been fortunate as a company to work in various cities across the State of Alabama, ranging as far south as Mobile and far north as Huntsville, in our first year of business, we generated more than six figures in sales. If I had to name three things that got me to where I am today, they would be God, family, and determination. These three things have kept me grounded when I wanted to quit and have brought balance when I was imbalanced.

All right, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
During my tenure in business, it has not be a smooth road, but it has been a road worth traveling. One of the biggest challenges I faced during the initial face of my business was keeping up with the rapid growing pace of my business. Although I did not realize it until recently, my business grew so fast I had difficulty managing and keeping up with the growing demands of business. Although I have hired and contracted staff to help with a lot of task, some days I only sleep 4 hours due to certain task that have to be done. Another struggle I faced was working during a worldwide pandemic. Although neither my staff nor me have ever caught Covid while working, being frontline workers during this pandemic has been a struggle. Although we realize the criticality of PPE, someday it became difficult to ensure that we did not let our guards down. Coupled with this, the fatigue of wearing PPE for 3-5 hour shifts was difficult to maintain but has since been a standard we have kept and plan to keep for the foreseeable future so that we can ensure our safety and those whom we serve.

Appreciate you sharing that. What should we know about Perdue Janitorial Services?
Perdue Janitorial Services is based out of Birmingham, AL. We provide sanitation/disinfecting services, carpet cleaning, stripping and waxing of floors, deep cleaning, pressure washing and daily and weekly cleaning of commercial buildings. We are known for being detailed, friendly, and specific. We pride ourselves on providing quality and affordable work to our customers. We consider ourselves set apart from other companies due to us providing affordable janitorial services to all businesses, no matter the size. We specialize in janitorial services to commercial buildings and small, medium, and large business owners. We are licensed, insured, and bonded. All of the products we use are safe in disinfecting and sanitizing for Covid-19, Flu, MRSA, Human Coronavirus, SARS 2, and more.

If you had to, what characteristic of yours would you give the most credit to?
I believe that focus, determination, and self-awareness are most important to success. Focus is vital because without it, I will lose sight as to what I am doing. Determination is important because, without it, I will become lazy and not chase my dreams and goals due to lack of motivation. Self-awareness is important because without it, I would not know what areas I am weak in and need more help and support.

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Image Credits
Professional Photos: D. Love at Love Photography

Suggest a Story: VoyageATL is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.

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