Today we’re excited to introduce you to Habiba Zaman. Habiba is a Mental Health Therapist, Owner, Author and is also a content partner. Content partners help Voyage in so many ways from spreading the word about the work that we do, sponsoring our mission and collaborating with us on content like this. Check out our conversation with Habiba below.
Hi Habiba, so great to have you join us again. For folks who might have missed our earlier conversations, can you please take a minute to briefly introduce yourself?
Hi! I am a professional counselor specializing in trauma and owner of North Star of Georgia Counseling. With fifteen years of work experience in the counseling field including counseling, advocacy, guidance, and education, I believe that as awareness of one’s fears, perceptions, desires, and strengths increase, one can make successful life changes. Self-awareness by becoming more honest with oneself, can initiate the authenticity that often results in healing, transformation, and living a fuller life. I have 13 publications that started with a children’s book titled, But I’m Just Playing published in 2012, and 7 co-authored books, the latest being Dear Love: I’m Ready for You. I am of Bangladeshi and American descent, and mommy to two amazing little humans.
What do you do outside of work that helps you maintain a healthy, well-balanced life?
I believe it is paramount to have a variety of interests that bring bursts of positive energy daily. I do try to work out 4-5 days a week, I dance daily all throughout the house, there is music playing first thing in the morning to get the energy flowing, have 30 min outside every day, maintain some outside interaction with family or friends through calls or text if we can’t meet face to face, and basically find small things that ignite my curiosity or creativity.
In your opinion, what are the essential components of trust?
The essential components of trust start with acceptance. I believe that I cannot define a person or their experience and try to greet everyone from a place of curiosity of what makes them who they are, instead of from a place where I have preconceived notions of who I think they should be. From acceptance, I would say reliability and dependability are also necessary to foster and maintain trust.
What do you consider to be the most important traits for a therapist to have?
I believe that the most important traits for therapists are compassion, the ability to create a holding space for the clients, experiences and ability to teach with grace. Therapists need to have compassion so that they can connect with their clients and help them feel valued and that their perceived experience matters. In being able to teach why things are as they are, to help them how to articulate their values, triggers and boundaries and take steps to change the course from where they were to where they are wanting to be.
How do you integrate taking the traits of a therapist and blending it with being an entrepreneur?
My books are a blend of me as a person and my knowledge of psychology. As we take a step by step process to make progress in therapy, I run my practice in a similar manner where there are boundaries and expectations are mixed in with the supportive, fun and caring atmosphere we have fostered at the office. It is a balance of emotional safety and high expectations to succeed.
What inspired you to become an author?
My co-author Shalon Irving was my biggest supporter in my way of healing through therapy and she was insistent that we bring this message to the masses. Since then, it has become my mission to be able to bring healing through sharing my experiences and my knowledge to show that people are not alone in their wounds and how they manifest.
What are some alternatives that your company offers for people who are not yet in a place to start therapy?
I have created three programs to help people tackle some of the most common issues. -Values Clarification Course provides a raw and authentic snapshot of identifying values and the worldview behind them based on the experiences that shaped there who they are and why they believe in what they do. -Boldly Set Boundaries course offers real-world applications of identifying and challenging your hesitations, breaking them down and defining the Values behind the person to set strong boundaries even if everyone is against you. -Write Your Narrative course explores how to embody one’s most authentic self. We have to know who we are and remain grounded by tapping into that sense of self daily. This is for those who are seeking guidance in building that unshakable foundation which serves as the core of who you are- a secure sense of self. Along with these courses, all the books on habibazaman.com are based on empowerment and self-exploration in the realm of psychology, parenting and relationships.
It was so great to reconnect. One last question – how can our readers connect with you, learn more or support you?
fb: habibajessicazaman | northstarofgeorgia ig: @habibti_zaman www.habibazaman.com www.habibazaman.com/programs-and-courses www.northstarofgeorgia.com
Image Credits
Brenda Lajoan Photography