Today we’d like to introduce you to Sylvia Taylor.
Hi Sylvia, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
Hello, I am Sylvia Taylor a mom first, a Tech Bae second, lover of solo adventure travel, fashion, and all things pertaining to tacos!
We all face challenges, but looking back, would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Absolutely NOT! My road has been anything but smooth. My road has zigged and zagged so much, but it has led me to where I am now. There were many times I felt close to the mountain’s edge and wanted to turn around but there was something in me that would not allow me to turn around (heck, the road was too tight to turn around, lol) or give up but pushed to take the leap of faith. Along the way, I encountered everything from homelessness, brokenness, to lack of confidence. I think the lack of confidence was the biggest battle because what I learned is no matter the potential, talent, or sheer God-given gifts, not having the confidence to step out in faith will keep you stagnant and living a life of fear, regret, and torment.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
By career, I am an IT Consultant with a boutique consulting company called Taylored Consulting services. I specialize in enterprise software implementations and IT project management. I started in this career by stepping out of my comfort zone and full-time job role to becoming an independent contractor. One of my proudest moments is having Nike Corporation as my first corporate client as an independent contractor. I stepped out in faith and accepted a six-month contract from a full-time job with benefits. The contract was extended to two years, and I realized rejecting my fears and moving in faith paid off. Among having an IT consulting company, I am also a former Ms. Nevada United States, Podcaster (The Love Letter to Myself) and designer with plans to launch a clothing brand. My podcast titled, “The Lover Letter to Myself” was created to have an open conversation on how we can encourage ourselves along the way while in faith whether it is in relationships, career, business, finances, etc.
We’d love to hear about how you think about risk-taking?
Just do it! Take the calculated risks… Sometimes we are reserved in taking a risks or moving out in faith but what I’ve learned is you have to just do it. I’ve taken plenty of risk in life, starting with leaving Mississippi to Georgia with $10.00 in coins to moving to Las Vegas with two pieces of luggage. My risk has taken me from never being in a pageant to winning the Ms. Nevada United States pageant. I can’t say that every risk has paid off, but the ones that have paid off BIG and the ones that didn’t taught me lessons.
Contact Info:
- Email: info@iamsylviataylor.
com - Website: www.iamsylviataylor.
com - Instagram: @iamsylviataylor
- Facebook: https://www.
facebook.com/staylorcouture - Podcast: The Love Letter to Myself
- LinkedIn: https://www.
linkedin.com/in/ thesylviataylor/
Image Credits
Antoinne Duane Jones Photography @antoinneduanejones – Instagram