Today we’d like to introduce you to 24 (Two Four).
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
From being brought up in a small church surrounded by gospel and instruments to being in Nashville, in Detroit around musically-inclined souls. Being around local artists, even those within my family. My upbringing led to me experimenting and producing at a very young age. My hometown, my second home, the lil church on the outskirts of the Ville… Really was a huge influence on me as an artist, producer, and songwriter. My mom and my late father are the huge reasons and number one reason why I do what I do today. Educating me on this art, both intentionally and non-intentionally. Name a 8-year old that sits in the backseat of they parent’s car and just screams out, singing some Alicia Keys, some Prince, some Jimi Hendrix. Used to get in trouble in elementary school for repeating ATCQ and Crucial Conflict lyrics. All funny but my parents never failed me. Heading into middle school, I began writing and had this interest in producing music. Being heavily influenced by Mac Miller, Tyler the Creator, Childish Gambino, some alternative bands, the list goes on; lead to me wanting to create heavily. Going into high school at 13, aside from being an athlete, I got into producing and writing full-on. I was dealing with a lot emotionally and mentally. All that weight lead to me holding in, and the only way I could get it all out was through music. Music was and will forever be my therapy. Where I can release. So going into college, I eventually quit being an athlete and shifted my focus on solely being a creative.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
It most definitely hasn’t been a smooth road. Definitely went through my fair share of trials and tribulations, my entire upbringing to now. It lead to me struggling mentally and emotionally throughout the way. But a flower still blooms, through it all. To keep it short and frank, like that. And oh how this flower has bloomed. It gets beautiful man.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
Before becoming a full blown artist and producer, like now, I was strictly focused on building the art collective I’m apart of called fourfortyfour. The collective was truthfully one of my huge influences, as far as me becoming an artist. On some like deadass shit. No more games all of that. All lead to me pushing my own music out around December 2019 with the release of my first single “Hennybito”. That release right there gave me the confidence I truly needed for me to continue creating my own music. It’s now November 2020 and I now deep into my “rookie season” as I would say, four songs in with a project on the way. Still pushing with the Mob, of course. Some people are actually listening and feeling me. Truly all humbling but still more work to do, of course. What sets me apart is I create to, not only release or for therapy, but for the unheard. The misunderstood, the underrepresented. I’m not apart of this music shit for the numbers, the money, the accolades, to compete… Music has never been about that. And most importantly has never been about that for me. Art as a whole, honestly. I believe that is what sets me apart.
Are there any important lessons you’ve learned that you can share with us?
I’ve learned to not stop. You are going to have so many discouraging moments, you know. Moments where you feel like you just suck, you start to compare yourself, question everything, etc. And your are just going to want to stop… You don’t. Don’t. Keep creating. Stop comparing yourself to other creatives. Cause truthfully, at the end of the day, there’s only going to be one you. No one else like you. And that’s a beautiful thing I tend to remind myself and recognize. Something I try to let others know too.
Contact Info:
- Website: linktr.ee/twentyfourdaze
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/twentyfourdaze/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/twentyfourdaze
- Youtube: https://youtu.be/kENW2dCYnro
- SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/twentyfourdaze
Image Credits
Photographers: SkyQuajus Turner (@trusiifuu) and Jesse Neely II