Today we’d like to introduce you to Fayro. Them and their team share their story with us below:
Early Life and Teenage Years Known best for his versatility and energetic stage presence; FAYRO(pharaoh) was born Andres Pierre Jr on June 13, 1988. He is an Artist/Entertainer/Songwriter from Memphis, TN. Music has always been in Fayro’s DNA. His grandfather was in a band and played drums. Following in the family footsteps, he entered a school talent show and won 2nd place in the 6th grade and by 13, he began singing in the choir at church. At the age of 15, hanging out with friends they decided to write a rap song and record the song. Fayro states when he heard his voice played back it was then he decided that being an artist was the path for him. Departing from High School Fayro, then under the name Neff took on music more seriously and recorded his first project, promoting it in his hometown Memphis before departing to the Military in 2008.
While in the Military 2008-12 including one year overseas in Iraq the rapper continued working on his craft, making beats, writing and even performing while in the military.
Associated Acts
Image: Image, A Hip Hop, R&B Group including FAYRO, LB (LoverBoi), Gunna & Playboi was a popular group in Colorado Springs. The group took Colorado by storm performing at the hottest clubs and opening up for many mainstream acts in the city. IMAGE recorded three projects including Invasion, DubInvasion as well as many singles. The group ended in 2015
A dedicated solo artist since then, Fayro has performed hundreds of shows including headlining acts for mainstream artist, self-promoted birthday parties, weddings, etc. Being an artist has led him to meeting many industry talent which created opportunities like collaborating with Memphis Legend Lil’Wyte (Don’t Get Robbed single) as well as DJ Unk (Speak Easy single) in 2016. Among these opportunities. Fayro has been able to create a catalog of music gaining him fandom and award nominations. The artist has also been nominated for many awards and took home Video of the Year in 2017. The artist has hosted radio shows on the Made Sounds Media network including Parking Lot Pimping and Morning Coffee with Bidi, as well as hosted his own live shows and live events for his own TV show 901 Indy Underground.
Between the years 2015 and to date FAYRO has released seven albums, seven Mixtapes and many singles in between. His most popular 2019 single “Weight On It” hit over 200K streams across all platforms and is still climbing today. His most recent mixtape “Out the Barrel” released 9/27/2021 as a prerelease for the next album. Fayro is currently working on the full album Weight On It which is set to be released 2022.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
As an independent artist, there are many struggles. I love what I do but it’s not easy at all. The biggest obstacle is reaching the world as much as I’d like to. It takes time. I’ve dealt with many obstacles in the music business mainly with scams and promoters that aren’t as honest as they claim. I’ve taken losses just like anyone else but I have learned to grow and come back even harder each time.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
Fayro has performed hundreds of shows including headlining acts for mainstream artist, self-promoted birthday parties, weddings, etc. Being an artist has led him to meeting many industry talent which created opportunities like collaborating with Memphis Legend Lil’Wyte as well as DJ Unk in 2016. Among these opportunities. Fayro has been able to create a catalog of music gaining him fandom and award nominations. The artist has also been nominated for many awards and took home Video of the Year in 2017. The artist has hosted radio shows on the Made Sounds Media network including Parking Lot Pimping and Morning Coffee with Bidi, as well as hosted his own live shows and live events for his own TV show 901 Indy Underground.
Can you tell us more about what you were like growing up?
Growing up, I was always writing stories and creating stories while playing with toys. I was quiet and into drawing and art. My mom put me in the church choir so at an early age, I was introduced to the music world.
Contact Info:
- Email: booking@fayromusic.com
- Website: https://www.fayromusic.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fayromusic
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fayromusic
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/fayromusic
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCnQKHqtIUPA0UUbA3EEYeQ
- SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/fayromusic
- Other: https://www.google.com/search?q=fayro&sxsrf=APq-WBsD7hxQDnQWpJKNrYjHz6JGcNTAEw%3A1644455257763&source=hp&ei=WWUEYturLLLm_QaV-4rQBQ&iflsig=AHkkrS4AAAAAYgRzaWRA0iUaQeOGsLxAFxKCAUny5H-p&ved=0ahUKEwibvPGb-fP1AhUyc98KHZW9AloQ4dUDCAo&uact=5&oq=fayro&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBAgjECcyBAgjECcyBQguEJECMhEILhCABBCxAxCDARDHARDRAzIFCAAQkQIyBQguEIAEMgUILhCABDIICAAQgAQQsQMyCwguEIAEEMcBEKMCMg4ILhCABBCxAxDHARDRA1CxBFjQCmCnEGgAcAB4AIAB4wWIAeMFkgEDNi0xmAEAoAEBsAEA&sclient=gws-wiz
Image Credits
Jake Levin Cymphani Cyrine