We are thrilled to be connecting with Christina Fisher again. Christina is a Mindshift & Accountability Coach and is also a content partner. Content partners help Voyage in so many ways from spreading the word about the work that we do, sponsoring our mission and collaborating with us on content like this. Check out our conversation with Christina below.
Hi Christina, thank you so much for sitting down with us again. For folks who might have missed our initial interview, can you start by briefly introducing yourself?
I’m Christina Fisher and I am a Mindshift & Accountability Coach for Best Life & Accountability Coaching. I use this platform to equip individuals with tools and resources to pursue their purpose and live their best life.
How did you transition from where you were in the beginning of your entrepreneurial journey to where you are now?
I say it all started with a bottle of wine.
My husband is a member of a bourbon group and I wanted to be apart but it’s for bourbon drinkers only. Since I do not he suggested I start a wine club. I ended up googling wine clubs and ran across this wine company that sales wine and does philanthropy.
I have worked in non-profit for over 20 years so at the time this seemed idea. I jumped on board but something was missing.
Now rewind to 2015, I had graduated with a Master’s in Human Services; Life Coaching with the dream of starting my own business. However, I allowed fear to consume me and put that idea to the back burner.
Now fast- forward , present time something was still missing. I have a great job, I have an earring business that I run as a hobby but there was this feeling that I was supposed to be doing more.
I was talking with a great friend of mines who has always supported my idea of becoming a life coach- and he kept asking me when was I going to start my coaching business. I finally was honest and told him I was afraid.
Once I said that out loud I felt a weight lift from my body. A few days later my stylist asked me about my skill set and as we talked she basically said the same things my other friend said (they don’t know each other).
After a few days of prayer I decided to put things in motion to start my coaching business. On March 18 Best Life & Accountability Coaching came into fruition.
What was the “ah hah” moment when you knew you were on the journey, but a different path?
When I kept getting that feeling that I was incomplete. I always knew I was going to be working in the helping field and working. Selling wine was great, but that was me trying to make something fit that wasn’t.
Why now?
The day I opened for business I looked around and there were no clients. All I had was a fancy website that I designed, a Facebook and an IG page.
I told God, if this is for me then you have to show me. Every since I have shown up I have been in a position to show up for others. I have had three paid clients since opening, and there’s more time come.
Coaching is a part time career for me so most of all I feel like I’m right where I need to be.
So why now? I am much smarter, much wiser, much more resourceful, and everything that I have needed God has supplied it. And that how you know; it’s now.
Alright, so before we go, how can our readers connect with you to learn more and show support?
Website: bestlifeaccountabilitycoach.com
IG: @Mindsh1ftCoach
Clubhouse; @mindsh1ftcoach
Room: Fearless Women of Purpose
Sunday at 9pm Est
Facebook: @BestLifeAccountabilityCoach
Contact Info:
- Website: Bestlifeaccountabilitycoach.com
- Facebook: @BestLifeAccountabilityCoach
- Linkedin: Christina Fisher