We’re so pumped about our conversation with da i.ZZ & Mariposa. da i.ZZ & Mariposa are the Co- hosts of “30 Minute Podcast” and are also content partners. Content partners help Voyage in so many ways from spreading the word about the work that we do, sponsoring our mission and collaborating with us on content like this.
30 Minute Podcast is a lifestyle and culture podcast offering ‘full topics in half an hour’ for the intellectually curious. Hosted by da i.ZZ and Mariposa, the interview format show spotlights some of the best and brightest in their respective fields speaking on a variety of topics. Check out our conversation with da i.ZZ & Mariposa below.
What is 30 Minute Podcast’s biggest goal left to achieve?
Our biggest goal left to achieve is to reach the 20,000 download mark. We have grown quickly in just 1 year and counting. We have increased our fan base to 25 countries. The sky is the limit as the listeners, who we affectionately call ‘da 30s’ continue to engage with us on social media and give feedback on topics of interest. We as co-hosts enjoy interacting with the guests and audience and providing a quality show weekly.
Is there anything else you’d like to share with our audience?
At 30 MP we are very connected with the local art scene. From spoken work to museums to public space & tagging, we love the arts! Some of our favorite places around town are some of the off the beaten paths murals in ATL. Many people are aware of the very popular: Outkast and John Lewis murals however, we’d love to tell you about these hidden gems by local artists. If you have a segment on this we’d love to elaborate as to the meaning of these murals to us and how the art transfixes time and space:
1: Intersection of Edgewood & Bell St. – by Derek White
2. Intersection of Edgewood and Boulevard – Adjacent to the George Floyd mural King of the South peach
3. Bouldercrest Rd and Eastland Rd. – by Matt Letrs
Thank you so much again for sharing all of this with us. Before we go, can you share with our readers how they can connect with you, learn more or show support?
Listen to 30 Minute Podcast each week for new lifestyle and culture topics. Engage with us on Instagram – let us know what you’d like to hear us talk about. Instagram: @30minutepodcast
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/the30minutepodcast
Contact Info:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/the30minutepodcast
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuqclQnKf0PYxLpeGm13Pwg
Image Credits
IG: @ladychasityb