Today we’d like to introduce you to Jane Bishop.
Hi Jane, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
I am a self-proclaimed unplanned entrepreneur! My first professional goal was to graduate college and enter the athletic world as a women’s basketball coach. I was blessed to have that goal realized at the small college level. I was head coach of the women’s basketball team, assistant coach of the men’s basketball team, started the softball team program, served as assistant dean of students, teacher, and helped develop curriculum for a new minor studies tract. I was engaging my gifts and skills of teaching, coaching to empower others.
When my contract wasn’t renewed after five years, I entered the “unemployment world” for four months, simply trying to find work to survive until I could figure out my next step. During college, I had worked for the government each summer as an administrative assistant/clerk, so I leveraged those skills to find employment. An opportunity became available at a national organization based in Atlanta so I accepted a job offer. In my mind at the time, I thought I would be there a year or two until the next path to coaching and teaching became clear. Those “couple of years” evolved into 26!
Although I started as an entry-level assistant, I was promoted through the years and given roles with increasing responsibilities. Each of those roles allowed me to engage my passion, my gifts and skills and also provided leaders and mentors to help me develop and hone new skills. I traveled extensively throughout the United States, representing the organization in training, strategy development and coaching remote staff in the specific area of the organization that I served in. I also developed and implemented organization-wide training for field staff in regional events. As the organization experienced changes in leadership and strategy throughout my tenure, I learned how to identify where the new “river banks” were and then navigate myself and my teams within those river banks for success.
Toward the end of my tenure, it became clear that I was no longer valued for my expertise and was marginalized. New leadership and a new strategy were developed, which included downsizing. I have never been one to simply “occupy a space” for a paycheck, so I once again pondered my next step. It was at this intersection of my professional life that I decided to start my own business. Never had that option entered my mind! Therefore, “the unplanned entrepreneur” title! I started my business while I still had a steady income and began to put the pieces into place on my personal time. I knew my time with the organization was over. I simply didn’t know when the “release date” would come and I wanted to be ready.
Eight months after I started Take The Next Step, my “release date” from the organization was confirmed and I stepped into my Founder/CEO role! I had to chuckle the day I walked out of the building for the last time. It was the same date I had stepped into that organization 26 years earlier! Here is a fact not to miss. Throughout all of my professional life, the consistent pattern/thread has been that I have stayed true to my gifts/skills of teaching and coaching and engaged those regardless of role and environment. I haven’t engaged all of the skills at the same time. However, I have continued to “teach and coach” simply not on a basketball court! I believe when we stand on our story, we can have a greater impact on those around us.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
The road and journey of “unplanned entrepreneur” has been exciting, fun, challenging, fulfilling, empowering, stressful, and energizing, and… did I say challenging?! The first few months of stepping into my new role of Founder/CEO, I experienced low energy, low motivation, and what I call “grayness.” I acknowledged later that I was grieving after leaving an organization that no longer valued me nor my expertise. I had been “all in” for 26 years. Yet, I was also excited to “be my own boss.” How’s that for a contrast of emotions? In many aspects, it was quite refreshing to be released and be “driving the business vehicle.”
One of the early challenges was knowing what to do with the pieces of the “business puzzle.” I had all the pieces (except adequate funding) however, I did not know how to frame them effectively in the entrepreneur world. To overcome that obstacle, I hired a business coach who was very adept in her coaching skill and helped me get the puzzle pieces in the best place.
A second challenge/obstacle early on was thinking those I had good relationships with from my tenure with the organization would be a natural sales force and either refer me or hire me. That didn’t happen. That lesson learned is another story that I am glad to share if asked. Because I had a broad knowledge base in different areas, I still had to learn the entrepreneur world. (And I am still learning!) As I learned, I made mistakes that at times cost me thousands of dollars that I didn’t have. I also made mistakes in networking. There is a savviness to effective networking that involves more than people skills. Getting educated on the entrepreneur world is necessary to understand how to align and frame skills and expertise.
I could share many more obstacles and challenges however, what I want you, the reader, to know is that obstacles and challenges help feed the learning process. I am thankful for all the obstacles/challenges that I have faced in the 11+ years I have been an unplanned entrepreneur and those I will face. Life is about ebb and flow. It’s about standing on your story and staying aligned with who you are. I am confident in who I am and I am on a mission to help others strengthen their leadership skills, first with self and then with others. I am “all in” so let the obstacles/challenges come. There have been many throughout my life and they have all served to make me better and stronger. They have all reinforced my ability to stand on my story with confidence. For your pondering: what is preventing you from standing on your story with confidence?
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
Take The Next Step was launched out of my passion and desire to empower others to stand on their story. When we live as an original and not a copy, our perspective, attitude and approach to life and business make a shift. With that shift, we can take the next step forward, whether the road is rough or smooth. I am a Positive Interrupter and help clients stop, pause and think to redirect or keep going the same path. The services I offer to create a positive interruption are individual and team coaching, training/workshops, and speaking. When a client was asked about me being a positive interrupter, this was the response: “Jane is straightforward. She listens. She waits. Jane is objective and offers good/potential solutions that are not so far out that a person cannot obtain/grab hold of a solution.”
As a business coach, I specialize in leadership presence. Leadership presence flows out of an individual’s self-leadership. I believe leadership presence is influential and can empower a team to be more effective. I want to help leaders live in their “empowerment zone” consistently. An example of a core essential for leadership is how to uplevel the connection factor for a greater return on relationships. It’s about relationships for life and business and how we connect effectively.
A key practice that sets me apart is that I customize all coaching and training/workshop offers. My “program” is based on understanding what the individual and team want to achieve and then create the plan by curating tools needed from my library of resources. Once the plan is created, the collaborative work begins to execute the plan, which includes adjusting as needed. “Strive for consistent excellence, not perfection.” – a Janeism
I am proud that my brand reflects an approach that makes it all about the client. I am also keenly aware that my approach is not a fit for those who think change can happen in three or four coaching sessions or one training workshop. Sustainable change requires time and work. To facilitate change, the developed neuropathways (i.e. habits) must be interrupted so new ones can be developed. I often use this analogy. When on the beach, you have a view of the water surface. You can get into the water and splash around and have fun and gain a different perspective. To begin exploring below the surface, you snorkel and get a better understanding there is more than surface splashing. To understand with greater clarity and insight, you go for a deep dive and learn more. I offer services at all four “levels.” For those who choose to snorkel and deep dive, a sustainable shift and change will occur. Why something for each level? Readiness for change often requires understanding the surface view and splash experience before being open to go deeper.
What you will receive when we work together is a customized plan/approach, encouragement, accountability, and someone who is invested in your success. We will work intentionally and have fun in the process. For those who are willing to be stretched, challenged, try new approaches and willing to be uncomfortable, we may be a fit to do some work together. For your pondering: what is “costing” you to stay on the beach and not explore further?
Is there something surprising that you feel even people who know you might not know about?
A fun fact about me that might surprise people is that if money and space were no issue, I would own four vehicles! I love to drive! The vehicles I would own are Volkswagen Beetle with stick shift; Chevrolet Pickup Truck (medium size); Chrylser Sebring Convertable; and Chevrolet Tahoe. I have had four automobiles in my driving life! I currently drive a 1997 Chevrolet Blazer with over 338,000 miles! So that is another surprising, fun fact. (And it is in good condition.)
- Coaching Consultation (60 minutes) – FREE
- DiSC Workplace Assessment with Consultation – $299
- EQ Assessment with Consultation – $199
Contact Info:
- Email: jane@takethenextstepcct.com
- Website: www.takethenextstepcct.com
- Instagram: @janebishoplive
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jane.bishop.3975
https://www.facebook.com/takethenextstepcct - Twitter: https://twitter.com/rjanebishop
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRGqwuAklEKT0jEfnhA58aw