We’re so pumped about our conversation with Kameo DuBose. Kameo is a Fashion Designer and is also a content partner. Content partners help Voyage in so many ways from spreading the word about the work that we do, sponsoring our mission and collaborating with us on content like this. Check out our conversation with Kameo below.
Kameo, it’s been too long since we last connected. Thanks so much for taking the time to share your thoughts with our community again. Some readers might have missed our prior conversations, so maybe you can kick things off for us with a quick intro?
Hello my name is Kameo DuBose owner and CEO of Imperial clothing. Im a fashion designer originally from Toledo Ohio, later relocated to Atlanta Georgia. I design anything from hoodies, t-shirts , sweat shorts, windbreakers, etc. check me out at ikameodubse.com
Where do you get the inspiration for your different logos?
Oh man ….. I would have to say most of my inspiration comes from life. Im a 90s baby so I like to go with a-lot of retro designs from the 90s and kind of remix them. People love stuff that they’re already familiar with. I also have days where I wake up and a design just comes in my head immediately im like I have to put this on a shirt before I forget. Last but not least is life. If I am going through a break up or something ill release heart broken clothing or something represent my sadness its like a form of venting.
What motivates you to keep going in these difficult times?
Family and Friends kept me going through the whole covid-19 era. My family and friends would send me all type of inspirational quotes, or tagging me in events via social media. It’s so many people in this world and everyone has different ideas you just have to listen. I love to go to one of my friend’s house and see they have my shirt on! That alone is probably the most inspirational thing alone.
What are your biggest challenges when buying clothes?
They said start a business it will be fun wrong! Starting a business could be a-lot of things but one word that you definitely come across is challenging. A problem I come across a-lot is finding the right quality of clothing. I take a-lot of pride of selling my clothing thats why I sure 100% good quality. I buy from different company’s to find the blackest black tee, I hate an ashy black shirt I even wash the to see how much it fades. I once bought 20 windbreaks from a website and they were so thin I wouldn’t even sale them because I cant allow my name to be on cheap product.
How do you promote your brand?
I promote my brand in a plethora of ways, the most prominent to me is social media. I work a 9-5 so it’s kind of hard to get out and promote my business every day, but social media allows me to still get my product out there. I also go to homeless shelters and hand out shirts… you will be surprised how busy a homeless person is, plus they deserve to be fresh too. I also self-promote I often go to fun places and take pictures so my brand will be associated with fun.
What are the ups and the downs in having clothing brand?
Having your own brand is truly amazing. It’s a great feeling when someone acknowledges your work. I love the fact that i’m a known fashion designer and not just a forklift operator. I wouldn’t trade my brand for the world, but it can be quite difficult. I wouldn’t exactly say having a brand has and downs because you’re constantly growing, but there are some things that you can’t control that might be upsetting. Ive ordered shirts that never arrived or took a whole month to arrive and thats very agitating. The post office also lost a few of my packages and told me there was nothing they could do, this put me in a bind because I would have to issue a refund or send out a duplicate order. This would cost me double shipping thus I would make no money.
Where do you see your business going in the next five years?
I see my brand expanding at an alarming rate. I think my brand is going to blow up in the next 5 years. This interview alone lets me know I’m thriving in the right direction. Now that I’m with Voyage ATL content partner I’m meeting people doing the same as me and I love it.
It was so great to reconnect. One last question – how can our readers connect with you, learn more or support you?
Hey world I can be reached at the following; iKameodubose.com
Facebook@kane DuBose
Youtube@Kiydra Shawntel
Contact Info:
- Website: ikameodubose.com
- Facebook: Kane DuBose
- Twitter: ikameodubose
- Youtube: Kiydra Shawntel