We are thrilled to be connecting with Marilyn Porter again. Marilyn is a Pastor, Life Coach, Speaker, and is also a content partner. Content partners help Voyage in so many ways from spreading the word about the work that we do, sponsoring our mission and collaborating with us on content like this. Check out our conversation with Marilyn below.
Marilyn, it’s been too long since we last connected. Thanks so much for taking the time to share your thoughts with our community again. Some readers might have missed our prior conversations, so maybe you can kick things off for us with a quick intro?
Hey Y’all! I am Ms. Marilyn E Porter, Founder and Senior Direction of The PPIC (The Pink Pulpit International Convention of Women in Ministry). I am native Jersey Girl who is firmly planted in the Metro Atlanta area. Many years ago I made a decision that left with no other option than to become an entrepreneur. I decided that my children would never go to daycare! The PPIC has evolved over the past 5 years – we began as a ministry designed to teach and train other aspiring women in ministry, who has no denominational backing. However, as of March 2021, the organization has morphed into a 5013C nonprofit organization that serves and supports churches and ministries leaders, as well as business influencers. Although we remain an organization that is faith-focused, we now support the business aspects of faith and community-based organisms. In a nutshell, I help women leaders, both faith-focused and business-minded, establish legally solid, profitable and impactful organizations. I suppose you can call me a Church Coach.
I am also an author, a transformational speaker, preacher, personal development and spiritual life coach. I am a wife – who has yet to be found by her husband, a mother of 3 adult children and the Nom-Nom (Grandmother) of one beautiful baby boy named Storm Elisha.
How has your business shifted since we first spoke in 2018?
Oh my I think I answered that in the previous question, so let me recap. In 2108 PPIC was an actual ministry with a business arm. The PPIC is currently a church consulting firm – we no longer deal with the ministry side of building, but we solely focus on establishing solid, legally sound, profitable, faith-focused organization. We handle the business of church!
How is your business making an impact on the people you serve?
I am so excited about this recent revamp of the business – it has opened so many new opportunities for us and our clients. I hold a Master’s in management and leadership development – MSML, a very close cousin the MBA – which focuses on operations management, while the MSML is mission and leadership development focuses – think MBA without the accounting piece. Anyhow, I am able to help my clients development solid teams/staff that are lead and developed by solid leaders, while using my 25 plus years in ministry building and church planting to guide them through the proper processes of building churches and ministries. We do not only serve faith-focused female leaders and entrepreneurs, but that is our sweet spot. Our clients are becoming leaders in their perspective areas of ministry and expertise. Our motto is it takes hearts and hammers to to build solid community-oriented business and organizations.
What is one thing you want everyone to know about you as a professional?
I am 100% willing to share all of the knowledge that I have so diligently worked to obtain over the last 30 years of my personal and professional life – I do not withhold my wisdom or my expertise. I want everyone to win and I forever willing to do my part. Secondly, no matter what that platform is, regardless of settings and audiences, I will always represent my faith. You will always get a little Jesus when working with me.
Alright, so before we go, how can our readers connect with you to learn more and show support?
I am always out in the social media streets: Facebook/MarilynEPorter,
Clubhouse /MarilynEPorter and
My personal website is www.marilyneporter.com and PPIC (is under construction currently), www.thepinkpulpit.org.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.marilyneporter.com
- Facebook: Marilyneporter
- Linkedin: Marilyneporter
- Twitter: MarilynEPorter
- Other: Clubhouse: MarilynEPorter
Image Credits
Photo Credits go to Christina D Wilson