We’re so pumped about our conversation with Michelle Carson. Michelle is an Emotional Intelligence Coach and is also a content partner. Content partners help Voyage in so many ways from spreading the word about the work that we do, sponsoring our mission and collaborating with us on content like this. Check out our conversation with Michelle below.
Hi Michelle, thank you so much for sitting down with us again. For folks who might have missed our initial interview, can you start by briefly introducing yourself?
My name is Michelle Carson and I am the owner and founder of Be Brave Be You, a certified life coach specializing in Emotional Intelligence and a Best-Selling Author.
My passion is teaching life skills that increase your Emotional Intelligence. Once you understand how to speak the Language of Emotions, you can use the messages you receive to improve the quality of your life and your relationships.
It was well into my thirties until I learned these important skill sets. From a very early age I felt like I didn’t belong and something was wrong with me. I know now I am an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) but at the time I didn’t know this label nor did I understand it. Because I was so sensitive, it led to years of bullying and being made fun of. As I grew, so did my lack of confidence.
Fate has a habit of leading us in ways we don’t often expect. That is exactly what happened to me when I embarked on a healing journey to find out what was “wrong” with me. I started reading self-help books. I learned that I had to take responsibility and ownership for my part in these challenges. I had to look at my belief system to discover how I attracted these life circumstances.
My negative relationships and my outside life were never going to change unless I changed my inside life. As I shifted my internal dialogue, how I felt on the inside, my outside world followed suit. Ironically what I discovered was that nothing was wrong with me at all. I held the power all along to change how I felt about myself, once I found tools for personal transformation.
My healing journey led me to my life’s purpose – to teach life skills that foster Emotional Intelligence. When you learn how to use the power of your mind and the power of your thoughts to achieve your goals, you can maneuver through life’s ups and downs with grace. Most importantly, you learn how to turn perceived obstacles into growth opportunities.
What is emotional intelligence and how is it measured?
My work is based in EQ or Emotional Quotient, which is the measurement of Emotional Intelligence.
Emotional Intelligence is referred to as the ability to recognize, evaluate and regulate your own emotions,
emotions of those around you and in groups of people.
As kids, we are taught how to develop our IQ but seldom are we taught how to develop our EQ. Yet EQ is equally if not more instrumental for your lifelong success.
What areas of your life are impacted by emotional intelligence?
Expectations are where our true personal power lies. Once you understand that your perspective is a choice, you learn that all outcomes are successes regardless if it went as planned. Often though when our desire does not match reality, we can experience disappointment, failure, shame, anxiety.
Self-confidence lies in our decision making abilities, whether we can rely on our own instincts or we depend on people/things outside of ourselves for validation of our worth. When we play the victim role, we feel unseen, powerless, stuck.
Relationships are a two way street. We need to live authentically, while also have compassion for others by allowing space for another’s beliefs. When we are in judgement versus discernment we can experience dishonesty, disrespect and either be the bully or the aggressor.
What are some daily practices you can use to increase your EQ?
• Setting Goals – mind mapping is when you break down a larger goal into smaller steps.
• Retrain Your Brain – mirrorwork is when you speak confidence to yourself in times of doubt.
• Honoring Uniqueness – creativity is a great way to find out what makes you one of a kind!
• Self-talk – affirmations reinforce positive conversations we have with ourselves.
• Belief System – discernment over judgement should be used to determine who is in your inner circle.
• Compassion – help or hinder is when you ask yourself before speaking if it is beneficial to say or not.
How can learning the language of emotions help you heal?
The motto I stand by is “just because you feel, does not make it real!” What does this mean? Many of us take emotions for face value. Meaning we immediately act on an emotion. When in truth, emotions are simply messengers. It is our job to discover exactly what that message is before taking action.
We all have a story, and within our stories are healing opportunities. By uncovering the message from our emotions, we learn how to unpack our stories. As a result, we increase our Emotional Intelligence by:
– Creating High Self-esteem
– Garnering Healthier Relationships
– Responding to Setbacks with Resiliency
What specific healing modalities do you teach?
REAP your Intuition – this four-step process teaches you how to use your internal GPS (aka your Intuition) to guide you versus depending on anything outside of you for direction.
Changing the Narrative – is a five-step formula you apply to a real-life dilemma to learn how to direct your emotions versus having your emotions direct you.
Triumph over Triggers – when you feel stuck, unable to move forward or to let go of a situational or relational problem, this quick two step process can having you moving on in no time.
How has learning EQ changed your life?
I have literally done a 180! I have grown from this sad, depressed victim mentality where I literally felt the world was against me to being an empowered, grounded and self-confident woman who creates her life instead of waiting for life to create me. Years of bondage have been lifted from me, and life has become a fun adventure instead of a dreaded chore. Now, don’t get me wrong, I still experience challenges but I am better equipped to deal with them now. Instead of weighing me down, they lift me up to show me another perspective from which I can learn. It has been so incredibly life-changing that I cannot wait to share my experiences, training and knowledge with others. I want my journey to become a survival guide for someone else. The joy of paying it forward as my teachers did for me is exhilarating!
Alright, so before we go, how can our readers connect with you to learn more and show support?
Be Brave, Be You – Learn the Power of EQ is my website that includes information on EQ and its impact, a Free Membership, informational Blogs and My Coaching Offerings.
I have also written a book and online course “EQ is the New IQ” that will be launching in December. I use personal stories to illustrate how emotions can impact your life, and I teach how to use them constructively to increase self-confidence, manage expectations and have successful relationships.
Please follow me on Instagram to find out when you can pre-order. As a holiday gift to you, I will offer a discount on the course when you buy the book.
My Contact Information:
Email: Michelle@BeBraveBeYou.org
Website: www.BeBraveBeYou.org
Instagram: https://linktr.ee/bebravebeyou
Happy Coaching Brave Ones!