We are thrilled to be connecting with Nate Dyer again. Nate is a Podcaster, Actor, Owner of Entertainment Company, NateTV and is also a content partner. Content partners help Voyage in so many ways from spreading the word about the work that we do, sponsoring our mission and collaborating with us on content like this. Check out our conversation with Nate below.
Hi Nate, thank you so much for sitting down with us again. For folks who might have missed our initial interview, can you start by briefly introducing yourself?
I am Nate, Nathan, & NateTV. Born in Detroit Michigan, moved to VA in middle school, from there, i went to Coastal Carolina University in Myrtle Beach, SC. I ran the radio station for 3.5 years, launched my first podcast, organized, and hosted hip hop showcases throughout my time there. Upon graduating with my Bachelors in Communication. I wanted to be around a city, around my people, around my people doing WELL at that, and lastly i was tired of the extreme weather in the Carolinas and I wasn’t going back to the snow, so Atlanta was the winner. Growing up, I considered myself as a lost member of Dipset and Roc a fella. Not only the music, but how they created an entire movement and way of life off of their expression. I apply a lot of what I was raised on with them to NateTV. My mom was single for a good portion of my childhood, and for the entire duration she was the breadwinner, not only was she a model of how to make it happen, but also a model to limit excuses for what life throws at us.
Where do you get the ideas and drive to do what it is you do?
I get my ideas from life honestly, the logo for my podcast, Kickin’ Up Dust, is a symbol of my favorite animal, with gold teeth to pay homage to the south, with it coming out of the iPhone to it being in your face. The drive is one of those in you but not on you type of things. I get it from my mom and where I’m from. If you ever meet someone from Detroit they usually have a couple hustles going on for them, I’m no different.
What are ALL the components of nateTV, what should we know?
NateTV is a multi media company. it houses Kickin’ Up Dust (with ChiChi Orubele), Merchandise for said podcast, NateTV interviews, NateTV Skits, & NateTV project reviews. I’m going to be looking to add food reviews and get deeper into artist management. I’m looking to put together the NateTV23 completion project in Q4. more to come on that.
What sets you apart from other entertainment companies?
It truly does not get more relatable than the NateTV experience, I share so much of myself with all the content i put out as well as any co hosts I have. Those that listen to any of my content knows this is for the people, from the people. It’ll never be something that’s self serving. I want NateTV to be a blueprint of how you can have like 5 passions and all of them intertwine for a greater good.
What is the ultimate end goal for natetv?
I named my company with the TV at the end, to signify that my company is like the retro cable box. You cut it on and go through the channels and there’s something for everyone. That’s what I want. when you come to my website, YouTube podcast etc. everyone will be able to find something for them to enjoy. I think we’ll be able to cover all bases. I know we’ll get there.
It was so great to reconnect. One last question – how can our readers connect with you, learn more or support you?
@kickinupdustpod on instagram
@natedyer_ on IG/Twitter
Contact Info:
- Website: NateTV23.Com
- Twitter: NateDyer_
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgYzT_qnDlzcbP1zx8JVq_A
- Other: Podcast Instagram- @KickinUpDustPod
Image Credits
@BluSpaghetti Rodney Singleton