We’re so pumped about our conversation with Sammie Hasen. Sammie is a Young Change Maker, CEO and is also a content partner. Content partners help Voyage in so many ways from spreading the word about the work that we do, sponsoring our mission and collaborating with us on content like this. Check out our conversation with Sammie below.
Sammie, it’s been too long since we last connected. Thanks so much for taking the time to share your thoughts with our community again. Some readers might have missed our prior conversations, so maybe you can kick things off for us with a quick intro?
My name is Sammie Hasen, and I am the founder of medsur Inc.. In addition to my company, I am a full-time undergraduate student at the Georgia Institute of Technology. During my time at school, I found my passion within the femtech industry, more specifically in consumer products. I founded medsur Inc. with the vision of creating a suite of innovative products for all uterus owners that increases the functionality and usability of what is available on the market today. My first product, BCase, is a first-of-its-kind birth control pill storage that attaches directly to the back of your phone. BCase is designed to help users remember to take their birth control pills by ensuring their pills and alarm are always in the same place.
Why are you passionate about innovating the feminine product space?
My passion for innovating the feminine product space is mainly due to one factor: most products for uterus owners are designed by men. As I have grown up, I personally noticed major design flaws in most feminine products, and now I can understand why that is. If you don’t have a user of the product chiming into the design process, then you will overlook many issues that will ultimately decrease the user experience. The tampon, IUD, female condom, birth control pill, Plan B, and many other products designed for uterus owners have all been designed by men. Now, I don’t know about you, but I have definitely identified key flaws in most of the products listed above. I founded medsur Inc. to take back the feminine product space by ensuring the designer walks a mile in the users’ shoes.
How has it been building a product while also being a full-time undergraduate student?
I won’t sugarcoat it. At times it is very difficult to balance the two. School is definitely a priority, because I have worked hard on my degree for the past four years, but that doesn’t lessen my commitment to medsur Inc.. During semesters, I make sure to stay extra organized by allocating hours to school and hours to work. I keep in mind that I can’t let either commitment decrease the quality of my work in the other. Some weeks can be more tough than others, but I am someone that thrives under pressure, so for the most part, I make it work pretty smoothly. The one thing that helps me balance both is my passion for medsur Inc.. Without that passion, I would have trouble working the long days to get both of my jobs complete. Medsur Inc. is what I intend to pursue full-time after graduation, so I will do whatever necessary to make that happen.
How will BCase improve birth control users’ lives?
After speaking with 300 uterus owners, I learned that forgetting to take birth control pills is the primary concern for 61% of them. I was shocked to see how many uterus owners dealt with the same problem, so I asked why? Why do so many uterus owners forget to take their birth control pills at the same time everyday? Turns out, 40% of the uterus owners forget because their alarm goes off, but they don’t have their pills on-hand. On top of the inconvenience of forgetting to take birth control pills, there is the risk of unplanned pregnancy. The typical use failure rate of birth control pills is roughly 7%, and that percentage is derived with skipping pills in mind. With that failure rate, there are roughly 500,000 unplanned pregnancies each year in the United States alone. By ensuring your birth control pills are attached to your alarm for usage in a timely manner, BCase will help the user tackle both problems.
How is BCase different from current birth control cases?
There are two main kinds of birth control cases on the market: stand alone storage containers and smart cases. The stand alone storage containers sell for around $5 with the sole purpose of storing pills. The smart cases sell for around $120 and have the capabilities to track the pills you have taken and remind you if you forget. BCase differs from both of these products by offering competitive pricing to give you the best possible birth control storage option. Although BCase has no technological features, it provides something neither of the current products can: convenience. What good does your smart case do if your alarm goes off in the car, but your case is sitting on your desk at home? This will never be an issue with BCase because your alarm and pills will always be in the same place. BCase takes the classic design of a stand alone storage container but adds design aspects to improve the functionality and usability of the product, which is the core vision of medsur Inc..
Alright, so before we go, how can our readers connect with you to learn more and show support?
Thank you so much for reading this article on BCase and medsur Inc.! It is so exciting to share my passion on such a great platform. BCase is set to launch in the next few months, so you will want to connect with us to stay up to date on any exciting news! Check out our website, www.medsurinc.com. You can connect with me personally on LinkedIn, and you can connect with the company through Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Tiktok, and Twitter @medsurinc
Contact Info:
Website: www.medsurinc.com
Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/medsurinc
Instagram: www.instagram.com/medsurinc
Linkedin: linkedin.com/medsur-inc
Image Credits
Arabelle Berman