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Hidden Gems: Local Businesses & Creatives You Should Know

Every day we have a choice. We can support an up and coming podcaster, try a new family-run restaurant, join a boutique gym started by a local fitness champ or we could keep giving away our money to the handful of giants who already control so much of our commerce. Our daily decisions impact the kind world we live in; if we want a world where small businesses are growing and artists and creatives are thriving then we should support them with our time, money and attention. We’re proud to highlight inspiring creatives and entrepreneurs each week in Hidden Gems series.  Check out some of our latest local gem features below.

Cayden Cook

I am a Content Creator specializing in lifestyle, travel, and food content. I love creating engaging and memorable content that appeals to a wide audience. I have learned how to adapt in the continually changing social media realm. I create various types of content including reels, in feed posts, and stories that combine trends and original content. Read More>>

C West

In 2022 I was exposed to black mold and i became very sick due to that. I had severe eczema and rashes all over my body. It was hard to walk, clothe myself, get in and out the car etc. I was really hopeless and struggling each day. I began to pray and ask God for relief from all the pain I was in and he gave me the idea to start painting. I needed an outlet to relax and just take my mind off the pain and art became something that I truly enjoy. Read More>>

Okevia Wilson

I define success as Peace! Having spiritual awareness, believing that your purpose is already written and nothing ” just happens”! Also having financial stability and access to do, have and provide a life that feels good to you. As a mom, knowing that you raised good humans with high morals and values is the ultimate definition of success. Read More>>

Whitney Akin

My husband decided to take one his hobbies – cooking barbecue – and use it to help others. He went to Sam’s Club and bought a few pork butts, smoked them to make pulled pork, and went on social media to see who could use a hot meal. We delivered our first round of barbecue on Easter Sunday morning of 2020. Read More>>

Lauren Visconti

It is a now semi-private studio, where Ive been able to hone my craft and grow as an artist alongside 8 other amazing humans by my side who are doing the very same thing. Over the last 6 years, we as a collective unit have and continue to cheer each other on and I have been very lucky to have been able to call it home and I’m very proud to have been apart of it all. Read More>>

Alli Campos

I got into tattooing because it felt like the obvious next step for me and my creativity after doing a lot of creative side gigs. I started with photography when I was just out of high school. That was a lot of learning about the visual arts and editing . I then started doing digital work and learning that aspect of image manipulation. Read More>>

Jayla Head

This curiosity was driven by a looming question that hovered most of my life. “Why do people I know not seek therapy?”. In my world, there was a cultural stigma in which therapy was something you avoided or did not ‘touch’ as if it was a hot stove top. This fed my need to understand the gap in mental health care for people like me. I figured the issue had to be more complex than stigma, which is a well recognized barrier. Read More>>

Lakesha Paul

That chance came sooner than expected. In 2016, an investor, captivated by my writing, offered me an opportunity I couldn’t refuse: the chance to produce my very own stage play. Without hesitation, I brought my partner on board as my assistant director, knowing there was no one else I’d rather have by my side. Together, we poured our hearts into the project, and the result was a resounding success. The thrill of that moment left us hungry for more, but we quickly realized that passion alone couldn’t fund productions—they were costly endeavors. Read More>>

Owen Hunt

I bought as many marketing, self-help and spirituality books as I could find and started a podcast and youtube channel (Bootsy Greenwood) to share what I was learning. I eventually started recording some of the books I found inspiring and narrated and published them on my podcast and channel including Self Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Tao Te Ching and As a Man Thinketh by James Allen to name a few. Read More>>

Johnny Blayz

Beyond filmmaking, I’m a licensed drone operator who finds joy in capturing the beauty of Atlanta through FPV drone flights. This passion for visuals extends into my professional life as well, where I’ve founded Ikigai Media LLC, a social media marketing company that helps brands establish and grow their presence nationwide. Read More>>

Alo Ver

During this time, I also met Patrick Lydon and we started dating and playing music together. He became part of the Alo Ver band and we continued to perform around the Triangle Area. I graduated in 2020 and during the confusing time of the pandemic, the Alo Ver band naturally dissolved and we moved to Atlanta to be close to another band he was in at the time called Frute. I dove deeply back into banjo and developed my love for the traditional style of playing called clawhammer.  Read More>>

Mychole Starr

I am an Artist. I like to say artist because it’s not just one aspect of being creative that I embody. I’m a singer, I’m a songwriter, I’m a producer and I’m a creative. I would say my “specialty” is definitely Ballads. I’m all about emotions and making people feel, I like to translate that through my music. I’d like to say that this sets me apart because not a lot of artists can write and produce their own records along with (hair and makeup) which I also do myself on a professional level. Read More>>

Madison West

This therapist had worked with my family during a really dark time, and I was curious to learn more about her role in our history. From the moment I met her, I was struck by her warmth and wisdom. As she talked about her work, I was captivated by the way she described helping people navigate their most difficult moments. It wasn’t just about therapy—it was about guiding people toward healing and self-discovery. Read More>>

Connor Garrett

Fast forward to now, and Lucid House is on track to hit nearly 30 published books by the end of the year, with a packed pipeline ready to roll for next year. Lucid House isn’t your typical publisher—no proposals, no advances. Garrett personally hunts down the stories that stand out, then pairs the authors with top-tier editors and designers to bring their books to life. Whether it’s audio, ebook, or print on demand, Lucid House books hit all the major retailers. Read More>>

Corinne Purcell

I am now, recently after two months, completely full time doing makeup and hair. I am so incredibly blessed. I have had the greatest clients, support system, friends, family, and my husband who pushed me to go out on my own and do what I love. I believed in myself, never doubted my ability, and stick to who I was as a person and that is what got me where I am today. Never giving up on myself! Read More>>

Mark King

As I advanced to Georgia Southern University, I continued to build on these skills. I took on a variety of design and web development projects for several campus offices, including Student Activities, the Alcohol and Other Drug Office, Greek Life, the Dean of Students, Judicial Affairs, and the Multicultural Student Center. Each project allowed me to deepen my expertise and explore different facets of graphic design and website creation. Read More>>

Jake Sapp

“Peach State Lite launched in the fall of 2022 as a local alternative to national beer brands. It’s a classic American light lager brewed in collaboration with Stillfire, but operates as an independent brand. Inspired by state and regional pride, I saw how other regions had their iconic beers—Lone Star in Texas, Narragansett in the Northeast, Rainier in Washington, Old Style in Chicago—and believed Georgia deserved its own. We started in Athens, my hometown, building a following for our crisp, easy-drinking local beer.” Read More>>

Tate Coston

The following day I was contacted by the agency and asked to audition, and shortly after, they signed me. Now I am doing network television/film auditions and commercials, hoping to make a name for myself in the city of Atlanta. I’m beyond grateful for my journey and I attribute it to patience, trusting the process, and being open to whatever comes at you. Read More>>

Mikkel Green

The obvious financial costs of going into the business has been the greatest hurdle. Right behind that is working in my field and learning all I need to learn by self teaching. I lacked the freedom to be able to take formal classes or network to have mentor. Read More>>

Rayvan Wilson

RAW Nails by Ray journey began when I was 15 years old which was about 10 years ago. I always had an interest in nails and began expressing my interest to my stepmom who was a licensed cosmetologist. She purchased me my first nail products and from there I began to practice on myself. When my birthday came around the next year I was able to buy a practice hand that I began practicing on as well.  Read More>>

Danielle Bates

Becoming w/ Danielle started in 2019 but under a different name. At first I was doing skin care from 2019-2021, then took a break and now I am advocate for self healing and spreading self love. The purpose is to help individuals learn how to properly love and to be loved and feel confident in their bodies. I do this by hosting powerful and impactful events. Read More>>


As far as where I’m from it’s weird. I was born in Gwinnett, lived in Conyer and Covington, and a whole lots in between, but then my mama got some big money job overseas so I lived in China for a while. That was truly where my artistic expression began. Graffiti, Skateboarding, all of that was in Beijing. The most important part of that experience was becoming authentically myself. When you’re in an environment where u stick out like a sore thumb, you can either try to be like everyone else and fail or be yourself and succeed.  Read More>>

Tuwanna Gilham

My journey started as a personal one. I have always been athletic, but after having children I completely stopped being active. I knew I needed to make a change to be healthier. People started noticing the change in my body and mindset once I started my workout regimen, and wanted me to help them achieve their fitness goals and from there GoddessFit Wellness Group was created. Read More>>

Camille Whalen

Worrying that didn’t have enough staffed sitters for families’ needs as we grew was definitely a bump in the road for me. Also, getting the word out about the business and trying to find a good insurance policy that covered this type of business also presented its’ challenges. Read More>>

Teresa Page

I did not take notice of my writing until I was in high school. Going through my pro-black stage, I wrote my first social awareness piece called “My Black People” and took a chance to deliver it as my talent in front of a packed house during a fifth Sunday Youth service. When I saw the entire congregation jump to their feet for a standing ovation as I said my last word, I knew there was something to my writing and how I could verbally express what I had written. Read More>>

Maria Perez

Before officially opening my own business, I trained under a few trainers that all used different techniques and from that I train using pieces from everything I’ve learned. Every dog is different and requires a personalized training strategy as well as their owners. I’ve made great friends along the way, one of which began the business with me in the beginning and another that has been a huge help in sending clients my way. I’m always learning something new when it comes to a dogs behavior and I love that. Read More>>

Mariah Hill

I ended up getting accepted to their program and packed my bags four the six hour plane ride. During my four years, I met various professionals in my career, gained an internship at CBS 46 and joined National Association of Black Journalist (NABJ). I graduated in Spring of May 2020; during the peak of COVID. During this time, my class received a virtual graduation but in 2021, we were able to have an in-person graduation. Read More>>

Temi Arinola

This is one that is major…Jose Santillian who is the owner of Fitness Evolution in Laurel MD for believing in me and giving me a chance to grow my dance fitness brand. I held classes there on my own then I later became an instructor. This was the best gym…hands up! Read More>>

Trevion Dessesseau

I decided to change it into a Teeth whitening service that provides quality care while achieving a brighter smile. The goal is to make people look and feel their very best through the art of teeth whitening ..I come from a very big family . I am the oldest sibling of 3 on my mom side and the 4th oldest of 10 on my father’s side. Read More>>

Nick Valle And Jonah Dacanay

NICK = First off, I come from a very artistic family. My grandparents were all singers, painters, etc… My dad was the lead vocalist and bass player of a heavy metal band and my mom used to sing in a bunch of different cover bands. However, while this might make it seem like I was forced in a life of the arts, no one ever once pushed this on me. Sure, there was influence. Like the car rides blasting Van Halen and Ozzy, or watching BeeGees Live One Night Only every year like clockwork, or my Dad putting on a Beatles greatest hits album as we cleaned the house as a family. Read More>>


Shannon Davis

A few years later I was asked to be part of the team that launched the channel Turner Classic Movies which allowed me to hone branding and creative directing skills. Having access to TCM’s vast movie library had a profound influence on me. Watching decades of classic films molded the way I approach visual storytelling. I started to direct promos, adding motion to my conceptual ideas. Now I meld the mediums of design and photography seamlessly. Read More>>

Keyeriah Miles

While we are majority women of color, we are an INCLUSIVE golf community for EVERY woman. With an expansion of chapters in Baltimore, Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas, D.C., Detroit, Houston, Jacksonville, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, New York/Jersey, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, Tampa, Seattle, Ladies Who Golf is now the largest golf community for women throughout the United States. Read More>>

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