Today we’d like to introduce you to Stephon Ferguson
Hi Stephon, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
Some say you think you’re listening to a recording of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. speaking when I perform as MLK.. Some even say I channel the spirit of Dr. King. Among them are members of King’s family who say I sound closer to MLK than anyone they’ve ever heard recite his words.
From the pulpit of historic Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia to Teatro Lope de Vega in Madrid, Spain, I have traveled across the US and internationally performing as one of the greatest leaders in the history of the world. I breathe life into the words of Dr. King for people of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds by delivering dead-on, pitch perfect renditions.
I have memorized most of Dr. King’s most memorable speeches and sermons and try to deliver them with the same passion. My mission is to help continue the legacy of Dr. King by not only reciting King’s words but more importantly educating people about his philosophy of love, peace, and equality to help bring about positive change.
Born in Albany New York, I am a native of Fayetteville, NC. I proudly served as a Sergeant in the US Army and later worked as a radio personality and news reporter. I moved to Atlanta, Georgia in the spring of 2011. As a licensed and ordained minister, I served as an Associate Minister at the historic Greater Piney Grove Baptist Church. I was honored to work with the MLK National Historical Park at Ebenezer Baptist Church, King’s home church, where I gave historical presentations and reenactments and educated people on the history of the Church and Dr. King.
I am certified by The King Center and Emory University to teach the Kingian Nonviolence Curriculum and certified Level II & III by the University of Rhode Island’s Center for Nonviolence & Peace Studies. I have completed courses on the life of Dr. King at Morehouse School of Religion @ ITC and Stanford University.
Featured in the March 02, 2020 Issue of TIME magazine, I portrayed King in the magazine’s Virtual Reality Reenactment of the March on Washington named The March. Other features include a spread in Atlanta Magazine and the cover of its Connector section, voice-over work portraying MLK in Forest Whitaker’s Godfather of Harlem, and in several other media outlets including The Baltimore Sun, Omaha World-Herald, Deutsche Welle in Germany, CBS news, and CNN’s Great Big Story.
I recently published the book, “Legacy Reloaded; A Nonviolent Awakening” on May 21, 2024 – available on Amazon and at TheDreamLives.com. I am honored to be the only person ever licensed (since 2005) to perform as Dr. King by Intellectual Properties Management, Atlanta Georgia, exclusive licensor of the King Estate.
After two decades of this great work, I continue my work to portray and educate people on the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. and his philosophy of love and nonviolence.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
It has not been a smooth road. There have been many challenges along the way. But as MLK, I have learned to to use challenges as my vitamins and transform what might appear to be a liability into an asset. One great challenge was moving to Atlanta. I knew only a few people and the cost of living was higher. I had to balance a deeper study of MLK (My primary reason for moving there) with finding work to sustain. I was able to push through the challenges quite successfully.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I am known as the Voice of Martin Luther King, Jr. In 2005 I was licensed by the King Estate to perform the copyrighted words of King, as the first and only person to ever receive such licensing. Since that time I have traveled the U.S. and abroad performing as MLK and educating people on his life and philosophy of Love, Peace, and Justice. What sets me apart from others, and according to the King family and most who hear me, is that I sound closer to King than anyone who has performed as the minister and civil rights leader. But my work went much deeper, as talked about in my new book, “Legacy Reloaded; A Nonviolent Awakening.” I moved to Atlanta in 2011 to be closer to King’s work and study his life more closely. For nine years, I gave MLK historical presentations and reenactments at the MLK National Historical Park. Over that period, I gave thousands of presentations to many of the millions of people who visited the park. More than one million people visit the Park annually. Today, I co-reside in Atlanta and Fayetteville, NC. and continue to travel with my work. Chris Rock has been dubbed to direct a film on MLK with Steven Spielberg as Executive Producer. My goal is to either portray King in the film or at least play a part in its production.
We’d love to hear about how you think about risk taking?
I am a risk taker. As a man of faith, I trust in a higher being, but in the natural, it is a risk. I moved to Atlanta on a prayer and half of a wing. I had limited funds pulled out of my 401K, no employment lined up, knew only a couple people, and had entered a city where everything, including car insurance, was higher. I could have easily stayed in the comforts of my condo in Fayetteville paying the mortgage at one-third of the cost I would incur in Atlanta. But my desire to grow outweighed the risks that came with moving.
In order to grow, I believe risk-taking is a necessary element on the road to success. As a news reporter during the turn of the century when voting ballots were found that were not counted, I remember asking Rev. Al Sharpton, “What do you say now to the people who say my vote doesn’t matter or doesn’t count? ” His response, “I’d much rather vote if he means having to fight for it to be counted than to not vote and and ensure that it is not counted. I feel similar to the subject of risks taking. While voting should never be seen as a risk, I’d much rather take a risk that ends up not working out than to not take the risk which would ensure failure. No one wants to live life wondering what could have happened had they only taken the risks.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://TheDreamLives.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stephonferguson/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stephon.ferguson.1
- Twitter: https://x.com/StephonFerguson
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@stephonferguson945
- Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/stephonferguson
- Other: https://www.tiktok.com/@stephonferguson