Today we’d like to introduce you to Dani Kortava.
Hi Dani, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
My name is Dani and I am a clinical hypnotherapist. Most people are not familiar with hypnotherapy and its process. So no, I am not going to pull out my pocket watch and tell you “you are getting very sleepy”… and then hypnotize your husband into doing all the chores. (Although it’s the funniest thing – my husband does them. So weird!)
While stage hypnosis is great for entertainment value, as a hypnotherapist, I guide others toward gentle healing from deep within. Empowering all walks of life to step back into their true purpose. To release fears or limiting thoughts and to rebuild their confidence while refocusing on all of the good in their life.
Because when I was young. I grew up alone. I have a large family. But everyone was either much older or much younger than me, so I really was alone in my experience. My biological parents were carrying around their own fair share of trauma, heartbreak and fear that limited them to be fully present for me in the way that I desired. I really craved connection.
It was as if I was handed this tall glass when I was born. And as I grew and experienced more, this glass was slowly filled with hard times, confusion, disappointment, fear and trauma. I found myself holding onto these experiences so tightly, that after almost 40 years, that mixture became very heavy and I became desperate to feel better!
On the outside, it looked as though my life was perfect and in many ways it was! A thriving career in real estate, a marriage of over ten years and three healthy children… but how I felt about myself was not perfect. My health wasn’t great, my hair was falling out by the handfuls, I found myself allergic to over 40 different foods, hives whenever I ate and my heart began beating irregularly.
I was at the lowest place I had ever experienced in my life, I sought out for help. The saying goes that it takes a village to raise a baby, but I have learned that it takes a village to raise a human.
So late one night, I googled, looking for the best hypnotherapist in Atlanta. Because I was raised in traditional therapy and I was tired of walking around with my open can of worms. I needed to learn how to cope with those bad memories, hurtful experiences, failures and disappointment.
And to be completely honest, that was the most pivotal moment in my life.
With my husband, my children and my hypnotherapist by my side – I was led out of my low place with compassion and love. New seeds of positivity were planted into my subconscious. Old and limiting beliefs were slowly shed. After completing my program, my experience was so profound that I became inspired! How could I not share this with the world? I wanted to guide others toward the level of healing that I experienced.
So another late night, I made the best decision ever and decided to become a hypnotherapist. I got to work immersing myself in learning from the very best in the industry. Absorbed as much as I could from those who founded and co-founded these methods of healing. My inspiration and passion just continued to grow as I began seeing people. The effect my work had on people is the most fulfilling role I have ever experienced – next to being a Mommy. And I have continued my commitment to keep learning from the very best – so I can provide the best to my clients.
A mentor of mine, Dr. Richard Bandler, shared something that really stayed with me. Because when we all begin going to school, and every time we take a test, our teachers grab that red pen and begin marking every single thing that we do wrong. And so we are left with this reminder to naturally focus on everything we do wrong. Unfortunately, society has just been programmed in this way. Where naturally, we tend to mainly focus on the things we do wrong. Remember that glass I was carrying around?
So my process begins to reverse that old programming, to release some of those old beliefs, a little bit as a time. Just as it was done for me. As I began to wonder what type of world this would be… if everything we focused on was what we HAVE done right? What HAS gone right in our lives!
My process begins at the root and I gently guide my clients out from there. Where they gain an ability to look back upon these moments in a more empowered way. To gather wisdom from those past experiences, to learn more about themselves from a different lens and use that wisdom as a tool in their future so they can begin doing things smarter, wiser and feeling better from the inside out. Reconnecting to their inner child and beyond.
In my experiences, I have become very familiar with what is missing in this world. To feel heard, validated and not judged for how we behave. I hear the positive intention underneath every coping mechanism and I create a safe space for healing.
As I learned that what we think about directly affects how we feel. And how we feel directly affects how we behave.
Therefore it is now MY honor to guide others out of their low place, to be a part of their village and to guide them away from their fears, pain, phobias, stress or trauma. To find their confidence, to find themselves again and to truly enjoy the life that they have worked so hard to build.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
Before becoming a hypnotherapist, I felt like my whole life was a struggle. Everything seemed to be “happening to me” and I became so overwhelmed with life. I was losing my health, my marriage and my purpose. My body was keeping score in the most dramatic way!
I am now proud and happy to report that my allergies have all subsided, my marriage is stronger the ever before and my purpose in this life could not be more profound! I have hypnotherapy to thank for that!
We’ve been impressed with Healing Hypnosis with Dani, LLC, but for folks who might not be as familiar, what can you share with them about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
Hypnotherapy heals and rebuilds:
* Confidence + self esteem
* Imposter Syndrome
* Improve Public Speaking Skills
* Pass that test
* Sleep hypnosis
* Motivation + procrastination
* Anxiety + Stress
* Quit bad habits
* Release phobias, fears & trauma
* Weight Management + binge eating
* Natural childbirth guidance
* Past life regression
I have guided all walks of life in achieving all of these areas although I do specialize in fears, phobias, trauma and abuse.
I am very excited and proud to announce the launch of my new program called A Heart’s Note. This program was born because I found my children in need of personalized positivity in their daily lives. A Heart’s Note refreshes your child’s confirmation of who they are and their personal strengths and talents that may have been forgotten. If you have children, you know that by just telling them what to do is not always so easily accepted. So I created a program that offers indirect suggestions in a relaxing way. Think ambient music, a short story full of metaphor and affirmations that are personalized to your child’s unique personality and interests and guides your child towards more positive behaviors, improve study skills, patience, self-love, sports performance, confidence and a restful night.
I have used this program on my own children and have found really amazing shifts in a very short period of time. I believe in positive self-expression and I believe our children, our future, deserves it!
I have also partnered with 8th Sense Artistry, where we offer Hypnotherapy and Art as a healing experience like no other. A unique transformation that inspires a sense of gratitude for one’s path in life with an incredible piece of art to show for it that is full of symbolism and beauty. The work that we do comes from a very deep place within our hearts. Our mission is to reach as many people as we can because we believe in personal freedom.
You can find my healing hypnotherapy services in Buckhead and Gwinnett County as well as over zoom.
If you have a limiting thought or belief that is keeping you from living a fulfilling life, it would be my honor to guide you!
What are your plans for the future?
When it comes to the future, I have become connected with non-profits offering healing services to cancer survivors to regain their sense of taste after treatment as well as guiding adoption and foster children into a more confident mental space that will benefit them as they become adults. I am a humanitarian at heart and strive to help in any way I can to make this life more enjoyable for others. It is something I have been involved in since I was very young and I plan to do more beneficial work in the future.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.danikortava.com
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/hypno_with_dani